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MAE Graduate Student Council

The OSU MAE GSC will consist of the following 4 MAE graduate student officers (including a minimum of 1 Ph.D. student): President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The responsibilities of each student officer are provided below.


  • President: $400 conference travel scholarship + $600 deposit in Bursar account at the end of the term
  • Vice-President: $400 conference travel scholarship + $200 deposit in Bursar account at the end of the term
  • Secretary: $400 conference travel scholarship + $200 deposit in Bursar account at the end of the term
  • Treasurer: $400 conference travel scholarship + $200 deposit in Bursar account at the end of the term

Officer Responsibilities


  • Organization and coordination of the following GAC activities
    • MAE Graduate Research Symposium (February 2022): arranging meals and beverages for the event; presentation equipment; flyers for the event; printing program booklets (if necessary) and signs to direct attendees to the venue
    • 'Grad Lunch and Learn' talks (Fall 2022): identifying speakers, themes/topics for bi-weekly meetings, and arranging lunches
  • Presenting to MAE GAC at the end of every semester on GSC activities and expenditures


  • Serve as a department-level liaison with OSU GPSGA and attend all their meetings 
  • Registering MAE GSC as an on-campus student organization at OSU Leadership and Campus Life
  • Obtain annual/semester operating funds from GPSCA for GSC activities 
  • Assist the GSC President, as needed, with organization of fall and spring events


  • Manage budget and record expenditures
  • Provide expenditures report to the the President


  • Attend meetings of GSC and take minutes as well as event pictures 
  • Send emails to grad students about upcoming events, and reminders at the morning before the event
  • Starting up and managing OSU MAE GSC social media accounts for advertising GSC events


  • All 4 officers will start their terms in December 2021 (exact date TBD)
  • Officer terms will end December 2022 (exact date TBD)
  • GAC will oversee GSC and evaluate GSC officer performances at the end of each semester. These evaluations will be used to determine disbursement of awards. 
  • An MAE GSC officer may be terminated by GAC at any point in their term for reasons of unsatisfactory performance
  • An MAE GSC officer that desires to resign from their position prior to the end of their term limit will need to provide written notice to the GAC at least 3 months (90 calendar days) prior to their planned termination date, so as to identify suitable replacement and allow for cross-over training/transferring their responsibilities