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Student Feature Friday with Graham Tyra

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Graham Tyra


Graham Tyra, a dedicated scholar with a passion for making a positive impact on the world through his research at CIBS.

Meet Graham Tyra, a second-year master’s student of CIBS set to graduate in 2024. Among his diverse hobbies, Graham enjoys playing tennis and cooking. One dish he’s worked hard to perfect is steak, though he’s not one to shy away from taking on adventurous challenges in the kitchen.

Graham is currently working on analyzing Low Global Warming Potential (Low-GWP) refrigerants on existing compressors. Graham uses an 80-ton load stand to test refrigerant behavior. For now, he is comparing Low-GWP refrigerant alternatives in the common types of compressors. He just tested a scroll compressor and is starting work on a spool compressor. Once complete, he will take his data sets and compare all the refrigerants performance to each other, and then compare that to how they performed in each compressor. His research includes investigating drop-in refrigerants like R1234ze(E), R1234yf, and R444A. Inevitably, all refrigerants have environmental impact, but the low GWP refrigerants can greatly mitigate the repercussions, to make way for a future where low-GWP alternatives are more widely used than their high GWP counterparts.

Although Mr. Tyra is yet to publish his findings, he is diligently working on a publication, which he believes will provide an invaluable data set for industry members. His research aims to give industry members a quick way to make informed decisions, ultimately contributing to environmentally friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration practices.

One of the key motivating factors behind Graham Tyra's dedication to this field is the satisfaction he experiences from seeing tangible differences in the world through his work. Witnessing the direct impact of his work on the world gave a sense of fulfillment. The ability to bring about change on a tangible level was a significant driver in his decision to pursue studies in this field. He enjoys the work he’s doing now with compressors, and while he sees many avenues of potential before him, Graham said his interest could lead to him to work more on understanding compressors, or even compressor design.

As he approaches graduation, Graham Tyra stands at a crossroads regarding his future endeavors. While he remains undecided, he is carefully considering the option of joining the workforce in the industry versus pursuing a doctorate. Both paths offer exciting opportunities for him to continue contributing to innovative research and making a difference in the world.

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