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Student Feature Friday with Meesam Raza

Friday, December 1, 2023

Meesam Raza


Meet Syed Mohammad Meesam Raza, a student in the Center for Integrated Building Systems (CIBS) at Oklahoma State University (OSU). He is in his first semester and is set to graduate by the fall of 2028.


Meesam is an animated yet friendly personality. You can commonly find him working out at the Colvin center here at OSU. He enjoys staying active and his social life is no exception. Meesam will gladly take you up on a chance to go out. Though he is no stranger to adventure, he hopes his future will hold more travel. Another hobby of Meesam’s that you might not expect comes from the earlier years of his academic career. Meesam is quite fond of the work he did in mechatronics and keeps an avid interest in prosthetics. This multi-faceted mind allows him to bring interesting and creative perspectives to any conversation.


Currently, Meesam is working on the design and development of an A3 heat pump. The heat pump is to be designed for a low energy residential off-grid application, and the design approach considers different A3 refrigerants and their performance. Currently, the industry is transitioning away from Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) toward lower Global Warming Potential refrigerants. Most of these refrigerants are A2L and A3 refrigerants. Meesam’s work is closely related to the performance and modeling of heat pumps with A3 refrigerants and low GWP refrigerants in general. His work will provide useful insights for the industry when they need to predict the behavior and performance of these systems under varying conditions.


One of the main motivators for Meesam to join CIBS was the opportunity to directly collaborate with industry partners. Learning from industry experts and the hands-on approach provided by CIBS resonated with Meesam. Another aspect he eagerly anticipated was the chance for hands-on experience in the experimental facilities, and for his work to have an impact on the HVAC&R industry.


In the future, Meesam is hopeful to enter the HVAC industry implementing his research and development expertise. He has experience from when he was completing his bachelor’s degree and found that his passions lie here. When asked about his immediate plans after graduation, Meesam remains to keep an open mind about such plans.


Meesam is a bright and vibrant mind adding great value to the HVAC industry, who will undoubtedly accomplish great things. As he embarks on this transformative academic journey, his ambition to delve into the realms of research and development shines brightly. His future, though yet unwritten, holds the promise of shaping the HVAC&R landscape with innovation and ingenuity. Meesam Raza stands poised to become an influential figure, leaving an indelible mark on the industry and inspiring generations to come.

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