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Student Feature Friday with Samee Ullah

Friday, October 20, 2023

Samee Ullah

New to CIBS, Samee Ullah is in the first year of his master's, set to graduate in 2025. He is equipped with 9 years of Exo-Technology Industrial hands-on experience and continuing to pursue his passions in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration field. Beyond his academic pursuits, Samee is prone to traveling and exploring. Although he confessed he has yet to attend an American football game, his other hobbies include several sports, such as soccer, cricket and volleyball.


Currently, Samee is figuring out how to balance teaching assistant duties, class and his project for CIBS. His project’s focus lies in a very important study for the future of the industry – the design, construction, and commissioning of a Transcritical Carbon Dioxide-Based Refrigeration Load Stand. This project aims to compare the performance of carbon dioxide to commonly used refrigerants. The industry-standard refrigerants often carry a higher Global Warming Potential (GWP) compared to natural compounds with a lower GWP. Samee's mission is clear: to demonstrate that carbon dioxide can perform as well, if not better than, the common refrigerants currently dominating the field. While this may sound like a simple task, Samee explained that developing the model is the easiest part. He expects testing and optimizing the performance will take the better part of two years.


While Samee doesn't have recent publications at this time, you can be sure to find his work published in the coming years. His vision for the future is to transform the HVAC&R industry. He aspires to bring traditional practices into the modern age, emphasizing consumer convenience and sustainability. His goal is to develop digital products that not only make consumers' lives easier but also reduce the industry's environmental footprint.


Driven by an inquisitive nature, Samee's journey into engineering was rooted in the desire to be a part of global progress. His association with CIBS presented the perfect opportunity to inspire him as an individual and influence his design work.


As for life after graduation, Samee's eyes are set on research and development within the industry. With his commitment to innovation and a sustainable future, Samee Ullah stands as a promising force poised to revolutionize the industry’s landscape.

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