Fire & Emergency Management Administration
About Fire & Emergency Management Administration
Oklahoma State University’s graduate program in Fire and Emergency Management Administration
Program is one of the oldest programs in the nation. Students receive a superior academic
experience in preparing leaders in the fire services, disaster management, emergency
management professions, as well as educators and researchers in these fields.
Students can complete degree requirements either online as distance students or as
a resident on campus. Online Graduate courses typically meet in real time. Distance
students join on-campus students in lecture, discussion, and group work, utilizing
state of the art classrooms designed for distance education. The FEMP program requires
that a minimum of nine hours must be completed on campus in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
This can be accomplished during one-week courses in the summer.
The program was established in 1996 as a Master of Arts specialization in Fire and
Emergency Management within political science. In 1999, the degree changed to the
Master of Science in Fire and Emergency Management Administration. The curriculum
includes public policy, strategic administration and organizational management, human
dimensions of disaster, leadership, and terrorism.
Division of Engineering Technology
570 Engineering North
Stillwater, OK 74078
Program Coordinator
549 Engineering North