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Dale (Xiangyu) Li, Ph.D.

Headshot of Dale Li



Dr. Xiangyu (Dale) Li earned his Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of North Texas and a Bachelor of Engineering in Urban and Regional Planning from Nanjing University. Dr. Li serves in the editorial board of the Emergency Management Science and Technology journal and on the subjective matter expert (SME) list of the Science, Advice, and Guidance for Emergencies (SAGE) program of the Department of Homeland Security. Before joining Oklahoma State University, he was teaching emergency management and public administration, coordinating two undergraduate programs, and serving in a regional emergency management advisory board in the Texas Panhandle.



Dr. Li’s research interests include disaster sustainability, intergovernmental disaster management, household and organizational responses, evacuation and risk communication, policy analysis, and geographic information system (GIS). He has been leading and participating in research projects funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.



· Recovery and Mitigation

· Research Design

· Quantitative Methods for FEMP I & II

· Fire & Emergency Service Administration Theory & Practice

· Preparedness and Planning

· Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk Analysis

· Risk Analysis

Recent Publications

  1. Wier, L., A. King-Lewis, T. McAleavy, & X. Li. (In Press) “Group Identity, Self-Concept, and Gender Bias: A Regression Analysis of Female Student Experience within Emergency Management-related Higher Education Programs in the United States.” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Accepted August 7, 2024.
  2. Wier, L., X. Li (corresponding author), T. McAleavy, B. Choi, & L. Urbane. 2024. “Wicked problems of early-COVID-19 response: A content analysis of public emergent norms.” Urban Resilience and Sustainability, 2(2): 185-202.
  3. Yi, F., S. Yu, X. Li, & Q. Zhang. 2024. “Time Matters in Pandemic Risk Communication: A Moderated Effect of Information Timeliness on Stakeholder Perception in Singapore.” Risk Analysis, 44(5): 1254-1267. DOI: 10.1111/risa.14247.
  4. Sun, J., L. Yue, X. Li, and M. Dai. 2023. “Environmental governance in China: The effects of policy clarity, career concerns, and new appointed officials on pollution control.” Policy Studies Journal, 51(2): 397-417. DOI: 10.1111/psj.12490.
  5. Hao, Y., M. Li, J. Wang, X. Li, and J. Chen. 2023. “A High-Resolution Spatial Distribution-Based Integration Machine Learning Algorithm for Urban Fire Risk Assessment: A Case Study in Chengdu, China.” ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 12(10), 404;
  6. Li, X., P. Maghelal, S. Arlikatti, and C. Dorsett. 2022. “Review of Evacuee Mobilization Challenges Causing Time-Lag: Conceptualizing a New Framework.” Emergency Management Science and Technology, 2(20), p.183. DOI: 10.48130/EMST-2022-0020.
  7. Yang, X., X. Li (corresponding author), K. Lu, & Z.R. Peng. 2022. “Integrating Rural Livelihood Resilience and Sustainability for Post-disaster Community Relocation: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study.” Natural Hazards, 1-29. DOI :10.1007/s11069-022-05739-4.
  8. Maghelal, P., X. Li, & A. Qahtani. 2022. “Evaluating the Accessibility of a Sustainable City: Case Study of Masdar City, UAE.” WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 212, 87-96. DOI: 10.2495/UMT220081.
  9. Huntsman, D., A. Greer, H. Murphy & X. Li. 2022. “A Serial Mediation Model Exploring the Impact of High Performance Human Resource Practices on Public Sector Performance through Intermediate Employee Attitudes.” International Journal of Public Administration, 46(15), 1106-1121. DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2022.2075895.
  10. Huntsman, D., A. Greer, H. Murphy, and X. Li. 2022. “The Effects of Empowerment at Multiple Leadership Levels in the Fire Service: A Moderated Mediation Model.” International Journal of Emergency Services, 11(2): 338-360. DOI: 10.1108/IJES-07-2021-0042.
  11. McAleavy T., Huntsman D., Brooks, M., Rodrigo, L., & Li, X. 2022. “Risk, Resilience, and Culture: Evaluating Fire Fighter Stressors, Negative Emotions, and Coping Capacity in Sri Lanka.” Defense Review, Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka, 4(April), 77-98.
  12. Cai, C., X. Li, and W. Wu. 2021. “Explaining citizens' pro-environmental behaviors in public and private spheres: The mediating role of willingness to sacrifice for the environment.” Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80(3), 510-538. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8500.12504.