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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Learning Outcomes

A major component of Oklahoma State University’s land grant mission is service to community, state, and nation by preparing professionals for jobs in critical service sectors. The mission of the Fire and Emergency Management Administration Program is to prepare professionals for management positions in the critical service professions of fire and rescue, emergency management, emergency medical services, law enforcement, homeland security and related fields in both the public and private sectors. These professions are concerned with the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from the adverse effects of acute exposures to natural, technological, and social hazards. The program specializes in strategic policy, public management, and organizational behavior, human dimensions of disaster, leadership, and counter-terrorism. It also facilitates professional networking among its students and with leaders in the field. The curriculum is designed to provide students with theoretical and substantive knowledge about management structures and functions, analytical skills that enable the practical application of theories, research skills that enable critical analysis of real-world problems, and written communication skills necessary for effective management.

The Learning Outcomes for the Fire Emergency Management programs are that:

  • Graduates can demonstrate mastery of substantive theories in and knowledge of fire and emergency management administration and of its application to practical problems and issues in the field.
  •  Graduates are able to conduct research and critically analyze problems in the fire and emergency management field.
  • Graduates can demonstrate effective written communication skills.