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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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The Division of Engineering Technology at Oklahoma State University welcomes all students from the nation and world to the Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering program.  Our Engineering Technology programs are highly recognized in the nation for our applied engineering curriculum with student-centric, hands-on laboratory based course work. The Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering will provide students with an interdisciplinary applied engineering education through industry oriented coursework and hands-on projects. Students will learn fundamental and applied concepts of real-world mechatronic and robotic systems, including interface theory, sensing and actuation systems, hardware and software integration, modeling and control. Our faculty members have extensive industry experience and are engaged in innovative research to solve automation, control, communication, and artificial intelligence related problems. Students will have  options to specialize in one or more areas, including control systems, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, advanced manufacturing, and soft-robotics.
The primary goal of the mechatronics and robotics engineering program is to train the next generation of engineers. The exciting field of mechatronics and robotics engineering technology at OSU can broaden intellectual interest and engage the curiosity of students in a hands-on engineering education. This new program modernizes our curricula offerings, makes it relevant to students’ interest, and addresses workforce demands for graduates who have broader inter-disciplinary training and practical experience in the field of mechatronics and robotics.

International Mechatronics and Robotics Conference – 2026 dates to be announced