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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Why Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering?

The primary goal of the mechatronics and robotics engineering program is to train the next generation of engineers. The exciting field of mechatronics and robotics engineering at OSU can broaden intellectual interest and engage the curiosity of students in a hands-on engineering education. This new program modernizes our curricula offerings, makes it relevant to students’ interest, and addresses workforce demands for graduates who have broader inter-disciplinary training and practical experience in the field of mechatronics and robotics.


Our Mechatronics and Robotics degree programs will provide students with an interdisciplinary applied engineering 
education through coursework, project, and thesis work. Students will learn fundamental and 
applied concepts of real-world mechatronic and robotic systems, including interface theory, sensing 
and actuation systems, hardware and software integration, modeling and control. Our faculty 
members have extensive industry experience. Students will have an option to specialize in one or 
more areas, including control systems, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, advanced 
manufacturing, and soft-robotics. All courses will focus on applied engineering via hands-on 
Minor Requirements
  • An undergraduate minor must include between fifteen and thirty hours, inclusive of undergraduate coursework.

  • A minimum of six credit hours for the minor must be earned in residence at OSU.

  • The courses required for a minor may be included in the course requirements for any undergraduate degree or they may be in addition to degree requirements, depending on the overlap between the minor and degree requirements. However, an undergraduate minor must be earned in an academic field other than the student's declared degree option. The minor may not duplicate the degree major or option (for example, a student who earns a BA in Art with an Art History option may earn a minor in Studio Art but not Art History).

  • A student generally follows the minor requirements associated with his or her matriculation year or newer requirements that have been established since matriculation. The time limit for following requirements from a given academic year is six years.
