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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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The class will start with administrative items at 0800, 16 October 2017 on the OSU campus and will end at 1700,  20 October 2017. A local area map and lodging options will be provided with registration. 


Both in-class problems and analyses of experimental data will require a computer with a spreadsheet application program capable of reading ASCII files. Data for problems will be provided to each participant on a CD, a USB flash memory, or 3.5" floppy disks.  Experimental data collected by each group can be copied from a CD, a USB flash memory, or 3.5" floppy disk.


Participants should bring a laptop computer and be familiar with a spreadsheet application program including data manipulation and plotting (EXCEL will be the spread sheet program uses in the presentation).  In particular, participants should be able to perform the following analyses on data sets: maximum, average, minimum, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. 


Participants should also bring a hand calculator for evaluation of simple problems during class


Note: The course length is 5 days (8:00AM - 5:00PM Monday - Thursday; 8:00AM - 3:00PM Friday). This is an intensive course and after-hours work on exercises is expected. To gain full benefit from the course, please plan to attend the entire course through 3:00PM Friday.