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Conference Proceedings

  • Charles F. Bunting

    Conference Proceedings

    1. J. Dixon, V. Rajamani and C. Bunting, "Performance test of unmanned aerial systems communication links in a severe multipath environment," 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Ottawa, ON, 2016, pp. 862-867.
    2. R. Bakore, V. Rajamani, J. C. West and C. F. Bunting, "Performance evaluation of feature selective validation in a highly resonant environment," 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Ottawa, ON, 2016, pp. 100-105.
    3. J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Frequency- and time-domain measurement of reverberation chamber Q: An in-silico analysis," 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Ottawa, ON, 2016, pp. 7-12.
    4. C. Vyhlidal, V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting, P. Damacharla and V. Devabhaktuni, "Estimation of absorber performance using reverberation techniques and artificial neural network models," 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Dresden, 2015, pp. 897-901.
    5. J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Simulation of stirred fields within a reverberation chamber using a refined spectral-domain-factorization moment method," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Raleigh, NC, 2014, pp. 781-786.
    6. L. J. Washbourne, V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting, J. C. West, B. Archambeault and S. Connor, "Effectiveness of absorbing materials on reducing electromagnetic emissions from cavities measured using a nested reverberation chamber approach," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Raleigh, NC, 2014, pp. 909-912.
    7. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting and J. C. West, "Effects of loading on independent samples and uniformity of a reverberation chamber," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, Denver, CO, 2013, pp. 217-221.
    8. D. L. Green, V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting, B. Archambeault and S. Connor, "One-port time domain measurement technique for quality factor estimation of loaded and unloaded cavities," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, Denver, CO, 2013, pp. 747-750.
    9. J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Practical considerations for the evaluation of the 3-D Green's function in a rectangular cavity moment method at high frequency," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, Denver, CO, 2013, pp. 813-818.
    10. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting and G. J. Freyer, "Rationale for reverberation chamber testing," Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM), 2013 US National Committee of URSI National, Boulder, CO, 2013, pp. 1-1.
    11. V. Rajamani, G. J. Freyer and C. F. Bunting, "Considerations for performing reverberation chamber immunity testing with frequency stirring," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, Pittsburgh, PA, 2012, pp. 234-238.
    12. E. Assefa, J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Numerical study of currents induced on a partially shielded wire within an ideal reverberation test chamber," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, Pittsburgh, PA, 2012, pp. 150-155.
    13. V. Rajamani, C.F. Bunting and J.C. West, “Difference in Quality Factor Estimation in Frequency and Time Domain,” IEEE Asia Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2012, Singapore (Accepted).
    14. V. Rajamani, G. Freyer and C. F. Bunting, “Considerations for Performing Immunity Testing with Frequency Stirring,” IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Accepted)
    15. A. Endegena, J.C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, “Numerical Study of Currents Induced on a Partially Shielded Wire Within an Ideal Reverberation Test,” IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Accepted)
    16. S. Mukherjee, C.F. Bunting, D. Piao, “Finite-element-method based reconstruction of heterogeneous conductivity distribution under point-illumination in trans-rectal imaging geometry for thermo-acoustic tomography,” 2012 Biomedical Optics Meeting, April 29-May 2, Miami, Florida.
    17. C.F. Bunting, J.C. West and V.Rajamani, “Operational Process for Characterizing Below Deck Electromagnetic Compatibility,” Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. RF and Microwave Conf. (RFM2011), 12 - 14th. Dec. 2011, Seremban, Malaysia.
    18. J. West, C.F. Bunting, and V. Rajamani, “Optimal Plane-Wave Representation of Random Fields in a Reverberation Chamber” (Presented at IEEE EMC Symposium, Long Beach, CA (2011).
    19. Anqi Zhang, Daqing Piao, Charles F. Bunting, “Spiral-planar equivalence of steady state photon diffusion associated with a cylindrical applicator,” Paper 7896-58 of Conference 7896 Date: Sunday, 23 January 2011.
    20. Sovanlal Mukherjee, Charles F. Bunting, Daqing Piao, “Forward model of thermally-induced acoustic signal specific to intra-lumenal detection geometry.” Paper 7899-63 of Conference 7899 Date: Monday, 24 January 2011.
    21. Zhen Jiang, Kenneth E. Bartels, G. Reed Holyoak, Jerry W. Ritchey, Charles F. Bunting, “The regression of a transmissible venereal tumor in a canine prostate was detected by triple-wavelength trans-rectal optical tomography under trans-rectal ultrasound guidance,” Paper 7883B-38 of Conference 7883B, Date: Saturday, 22 January 2011.
    22. Zhen Jiang, G. Reed Holyoak, Jerry W. Ritchey, Kenneth E. Bartels, Kendra Rock, Charlotte L. Ownby, “Different optical spectral characteristics in a necrotic transmissible venereal tumor and a cystic lesion in the same canine prostate observed by triple-band transrectal optical tomography under transrectal ultrasound guidance,” Paper 7892-1 of Conference 7892, Date: Sunday, 23 January 2011.
    23. Daqing Piao, Jiang Zhen, Kenneth E. Bartels, G. Reed Holyoak, Jerry W. Ritchey, Charlotte L. Ownby, Kendra Rock, Charles F. Bunting, “Optical biopsy of the prostate: can we TRUST (trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled spectral tomography)?” Paper 7895-25 of Conference 7895, Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2011
    24. Jiang Y, Mukherjee S, Stine JE, Bunting CF, Piao D, “FPGA-assisted strategy toward efficient reconstruction (FAStER) in diffuse optical tomography,” OSA Biomedical Topical Meetings, Miami, Apr. 11-14, 2010.
    25. Jiang Z, Bartels KE, Holoak GR, Ritchey JW, Krasinski JS, Bunting CF, Slobodov G, Piao D, “Trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled spectral optical tomography at 785nm and 830nm detects elevation of total hemoglobin concentration in canine prostate associated with the development of transmissible venereal tumors,” OSA Biomedical Topical Meetings, Miami, Apr. 11-14, 2010.
    26. Yadav*, A., Subedi, D., Lundeberg, M. A., & Bunting, C. F. (submitted). Problem-based learning in an electrical engineering course. Paper submitted to the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 2010.
    27. Xu G, Piao D, Bunting CF, Dehghani H, “The pain and gain of DC-based diffuse optical tomography reconstruction---New insights into an old-look problem,” OSA Biomedical Topical Meetings, Miami, Apr. 11-14, 2010.
    28. Vignesh Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, “Determination of Reverberation Distance Using Frequency and Time domain,” Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, July 2010.
    29. V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, “On RS Testing of Highly Directive Devices,” Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, July 2010.
    30. Yadav, A., Subedi, D., Lundeberg, M., & Bunting, C. (2009, April). Project-based learning in an electrical engineering course. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, 2009.
    31. Yadav, A., Lundeberg, M., Bunting, C., Cheville, A., & Subedi, D. (2010, January). Preparing engineers for the 21st Century: Problem-based learning to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Presented at the National Science Foundation Engineering Education Awardees Conference, Reston, Virginia, 2009.
    32. R.A. Cheville and C.F. Bunting, “Technician First: Teaching High Frequency Design as a Technological Enabler”, Proc. of the ASEE, 2009.
    33. V. Rajamani, G. Freyer and C. F. Bunting, “Some Thoughts on Independent Samples,” Reverberation Chamber, Open Area Test site, Anechoic Chamber (ROACH) users meeting, NASA Plum Brook research facility, Sandusky, OH, June 2009.
    34. West, J. C. and C. F. Bunting, "Modeling of Lossy, Enclosed Reverberation Chambers Using MLFMA," Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Charleston, South Carolina, June 2009.
    35. J. Kunthong and C. F. Bunting, “Statistical Characterization of the 900MHz and 1800MHz Indoor propagation Using Reverberation Source Stirring Technique,” Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Charleston, South Carolina, June 2009.
    36. J. Kunthong and C. F. Bunting, “Source-Stirring and Mechanical-Stirring Reverberation Chamber Measurement Comparison for 900MHz and 1800MHz,” Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Austin TX, August 2009.
    37. Piao D, Jiang Z, Bartels KE, Holoak GR, Ritchey JW, Xu G, Bunting CF, Slobodov G, “In vivo optical absorption, reduced scattering, and effective attenuation tomography of intact normal and cancerous canine pelvic canal including the prostate,” Saratov Fall Meetings (SFM) 09, Saratov, Russia, 21–24 September 2009. (Internet invited lecture).
    38. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting, and J. C. West, “Calibration of a Numerically Modeled Reverberation Chamber,” Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Austin TX, August 2009.
    39. G. Xu, C. F. Bunting, H. Dehghani, D. Piao, “A hierarchical spatial prior approach for prostate image reconstruction in trans-rectal optical tomography”, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BIOS) 09, # 7171-27, San Jose, CA, January 23-29, 2009.
    40. A. Zhang, D. Piao, G. Yao, C. F. Bunting, J. S. Krasinski, B. W. Pogue, “Forward modeling of axial trans-lumenal diffuse optical imaging with a cylindrical applicator using continuous-wave photon-illumination”, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BIOS) 09, # 7174-13, San Jose, CA, January 23-29, 2009.
    41. Z. Jiang, J. W. Ritchey, G. R. Holyoak, K. E. Bartels, G. Xu, C. F. Bunting, G. Slobodov, J. S. Krasinski, and D. Piao, “In vivo trans-rectal ultrasound coupled trans-rectal near-infrared optical tomography of canine prostate bearing transmissible venereal tumor,” SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BIOS) 09, # 7174-64, San Jose, CA, January 23-29, 2009.
    42. V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, “On The Performance of Wireless Systems in Moderate/Harsh Multipath Environments,” International conference on Sensors, Security, Software and Intelligent Systems held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India, January 8 -10, 2009.
    43. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting, and G. J. Freyer, “Why Consider EMC Testing in a Reverberation Chamber,” INCEMIC, Bangalore, India, December 2008.
    44. C. F. Bunting, J. West, and R.A. Cheville, “A Hands-On Approach That Makes Electromagnetics Relevant To Students – The results of a Three Year Study”, Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
    45. J. Kunthong, C. F. Bunting, and S. Bukkapatnam, “Development of a Wireless Electric Field Probe Using Wireless Sensor Network for Characterization of Indoor Environments Part 1”, Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
    46. J. Kunthong and C. F. Bunting, “A Novel Hybrid Propagation Model”, Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
    47. G. Xu, C. Musgrove, C.F. Bunting, H. Deghani, D. Piao, “Sagittal-imaging transrectal optical tomography reconstruction with structural guidance: initial simulative study”, OSA Biomedical Topical Meetings, St. Petersburg, FL, 2008.
    48. D. Piao, Z. Jiang, G. Xu, C. Musgrove, C.F. Bunting, Approach on trans-rectal NIR optical tomography probing for the imaging of prostate with trans-rectal ultrasound correlation”, SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BIOS) 08, # 6850-13, San Jose, CA, January 19-24, 2008 (invited paper).
    49. D. Piao, Z. Jiang, G. Xu, C. Musgrove, C.F. Bunting, A. Elgawadi, “Trans-rectal implementation of near-infrared diffuse optical tomography for non-invasive prostate imaging,” Saratov Fall Meetings (SFM) 07, Saratov, Russia, 25–28 September 2007, internet session.
    50. H. Haywood, F. Austin, S. Williams, C. Musgrove, and C.F. Bunting, “Measuring Student Learning And Engagement In An Introductory Electrical Science Course”, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Symposium in Honolulu, HI, June 2007.
    51. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting and J. C. West, “Sensitivity analysis of reverberation chambers with respect to tuner speeds,” Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Honolulu, HI, July 2007.
    52. C. Musgrove, C.F. Bunting, H. Dehghani, B.W. Pogue, D. Piao, “Computational aspects of endoscopic near-infrared optical tomography: initial investigations.” SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BIOS) 07, San Jose, CA, January 20-25, 2007.
    53. D. Piao, H. Xie, W. Zhang, G. Zhang, C. Musgrove, C.F. Bunting, H. Dehghani, B.W. Pogue, S.N. Vemulapalli, “Near-infrared optical tomography: endoscopic imaging approach.” SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BIOS) 07, San Jose, CA, January 20-25, 2007 (invited paper).
    54. D. Piao, H. Xie, W. Zhang, G. Zhang, C. Musgrove, C.F. Bunting, H. Dehghani, B.W. Pogue, “Demonstration of endoscopic near-infrared diffuse optical tomography in phantoms and tissues.” Fifth Inter-Institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic Imaging from Bench to Bedside at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 25–27 September 2006.
    55. J.M. Hall, C. F. Bunting, and J. West, “A Novel Grouping Strategy for the Modified Fast Far Field Approximation Which Further Improves Speed and Accuracy,” Proceedings of the 2006 Antennas and Propagation Society/URSI International Symposium, in Albuquerque, NM, July 2006.
    56. J.M. Hall, C. F. Bunting, and J. West, “A Modified Fast Far Field Approximation for Improving Speed and Accuracy in Electromagnetic Scattering Computations,” Proceedings of the 2006 Antennas and Propagation Society/URSI International Symposium, in Albuquerque, NM, July 2006.
    57. R.A. Cheville, C. F. Bunting, and J. West, “Engineering Students for the 21st Century”, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Symposium in Chicago, IL, June 2006.
    58. C.F. Bunting, R. A. Cheville, and J. West, “VECTOR A Hands-On Approach That Makes Electromagnetics Relevant To Students”, to appear in Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Symposium in Chicago, IL, June 2006.
    59. Awawdeh, S. T. S. Bukkapatnam, S. R. T. Kumara, C. Bunting, R. Komanduri, “Wireless Sensing of Flow-Induced Vibrations for Pipeline Integrity Monitoring,” to be presented at the Fourth IEEE workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-Channel processing (SAM-2006) in Waltham, MA, July 2006.
    60. V.Rajamami and C.F. Bunting, “An Introduction to Feature Selective Validation (FSV),” Proceedings of the 2006 Antennas and Propagation Society/URSI International Symposium, in Albuquerque, NM, July 2006.
    61. C.F. Bunting, “Introduction to the Finite Element Method”, Technical Committee #9 Workshop: Introduction to EMI Modeling Techniques, Workshop Notes of the 2005 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), in Chicago, IL August 2005.
    62. V.Rajamami and C.F. Bunting, “Validation of Modal/MoM in shielding effectiveness studies of rectangular enclosures with apertures,” in Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), in Chicago, IL August 2005.
    63. C.F. Bunting, “Introduction to the Finite Element Method”, Technical Committee #9 Workshop: Introduction to EMI Modeling Techniques, Workshop Notes of the 2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), in Santa Clara CA, August 2004.
    64. C.F. Bunting, “Application of statistics to characterize shielding effectiveness”, Invited Talk at EMC Europe 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands: W6: Statistical approaches in EMC design, computation and testing. Chairman: P.A. Beeckman (Philips Digital Systems Laboratory, Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
    65. C.F. Bunting*, R.A. Cheville, J.C. West, and R. Bryant, “Undergraduate Electromagnetics Education at Oklahoma State University: VECTOR (Vitalizing Electromagnetic Concepts To Obtain Relevancy)” Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society/URSI International Symposium, Monterey CA, 2004.
    66. C.F. Bunting, S. Yu, and Z.A. Khan, “Statistical Shielding Effectiveness – A Modal/Moment Method Approach to Characterize the Average Shielding Effectiveness over a Wide Frequency Range Including Resonances,” Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), in Boston, MA, August 2003.
    67. S.Yu and C.F. Bunting, “Statistical Investigation of Frequency-Stirred Reverberation Chambers,” Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), in Boston, MA, August 2003.
    68. Z.A. Khan and C.F. Bunting, “Shielding Effectiveness Studies Of Rectangular Enclosures With Apertures Against EM Fields With Arbitrary Angles Of Incidence And Polarizations,” Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), in Boston, MA, August 2003.
    69. C.F. Bunting and S. Yu, “Statistical shielding effectiveness – an examination of the field penetration in a rectangular box using Modal/MoM,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), in Minneapolis, Mn, August 2002. Nominated Best Paper.
    70. C.F. Bunting, “Shielding Effectiveness of a Reverberation Chamber using Finite Element Techniques,” Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in Montreal Canada, August 2001.
    71. C.F. Bunting, “Shielding Effectiveness, Statistical Characterization, and the Simulation of a Two-dimensional Reverberation Chamber using Finite Element Techniques,” presented at the 19th National Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) in Philadelphia, PA., October 2000. Best paper in session.
    72. D.T. Nguyen, C.F. Bunting, K.J. Moeller, H.B. Runesha, and J. Qin, “Subspace and Lanzcos Sparse Eigen-Solvers for Finite Element Structural and Electromagnetic Applications,” Proceedings of the 5th National Symposium on Large-Scale Analysis, Design, and Intelligent Synthesis Environment., Oct. 12-15, 1999.
    73. C.F. Bunting, “Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Reverberation Chambers – The Inclusion of a Source and Additional Aspects of Analysis,” Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in Seattle, WA, August 1999, pp. 219-224.
    74. C.F. Bunting, “Two-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Reverberation Chambers,” Presented at the 1999 Mode-Stirred Chamber, Anechoic Chamber and OATS Users Meeting., August 1999.
    75. S.A. Scearce and C.F. Bunting, “Statistical results for the UHF Data from the NASA EME Flight Tests,” Presented at the 17th National Digital Avionics Systems Conference in Seattle, WA., October 1998
    76. C. Bunting, K.J. Moeller, D.T. Nguyen, H.B. Runesha, and J. Qin, “Subspace and Lanczos Sparse Eigen-Solvers For Finite Element Electromagnetic Applications,” Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics Conference (August 24-27, 1998, The University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary).
    77. C.F. Bunting, K. J. Moeller, C. J. Reddy, and S.A. Scearce, “Finite Element Analysis of Reverberation Chambers: A Two-Dimensional Study at Cutoff,” Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in Denver, CO, August 1998, pp. 208-212.
    78. S.A. Scearce and C.F. Bunting, “A Frequency Domain Investigation of Mechanical Mode Stirring in a Reverberation Chamber,” Antenna Measurement and Techniques Association (AMTA) conference in Boston, MA., November 1997.
    79. C.F. Bunting and W.A. Davis, “A Variational Functional for the Finite Element Method,” Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society/URSI International Symposium, Baltimore MD, July 1996.
    80. C.F. Bunting and W.A. Davis, “A Functional that Eliminates Spurious Solutions and the Finite Element Implementation,” Presented at the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society/URSI International Symposium, June 20, 1995.
    81. C.F. Bunting and W.A. Davis, “A Modal Analysis Approach - An Exact Approach for the investigation of the Causes of Spurious Solutions,” Presented at the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society/URSI International Symposium, June 20, 1995.
    82. Davis, W.A. and C.F. Bunting, “Functionals for Variational Principles in Electromagnetics,” IEEE-APS International Symposium, URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1992.
    83. Bunting, C.F.and W.A. Davis, “ Finite Element Techniques for the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Transmission Systems,” IEEE-APS International Symposium, URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1992.
    84. Davis, W.A., S.E. Bucca and C.F. Bunting, “Transmission Line Modeling for Material Characterization: Including Dielectric/Conductor Losses and Interfacial Effects,” IEEE-APS Int. Symposium, URSI Radio Science Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1991.
    85. Davis, W.A., C.F. Bunting, and S.E. Bucca, “Measurement and Analysis for Stripline Material Parameters Using Network Analyzers,” 1991 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 1991.
  • James C. West

    Conference Proceedings

    1. R. Bakore, V. Rajamani, J. C. West and C. F. Bunting, "Performance evaluation of feature selective validation in a highly resonant environment," 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Ottawa, ON, 2016, pp. 100-105.
    2. J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Frequency- and time-domain measurement of reverberation chamber Q: An in-silico analysis," 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Ottawa, ON, 2016, pp. 7-12.
    3. J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Simulation of stirred fields within a reverberation chamber using a refined spectral-domain-factorization moment method," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Raleigh, NC, 2014, pp. 781-786.
    4. L. J. Washbourne, V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting, J. C. West, B. Archambeault and S. Connor, "Effectiveness of absorbing materials on reducing electromagnetic emissions from cavities measured using a nested reverberation chamber approach," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Raleigh, NC, 2014, pp. 909-912
    5. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting and J. C. West, "Effects of loading on independent samples and uniformity of a reverberation chamber," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, Denver, CO, 2013, pp. 217-221.
    6. J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Practical considerations for the evaluation of the 3-D Green's function in a rectangular cavity moment method at high frequency," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, Denver, CO, 2013, pp. 813-818.
    7. R. Bakore, J. C. West, C. Hutchens and R. Ahmed, "Design of a proposed folded dipole antenna for use with an implantable RFID tag at 915 MHz," 2013 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Orlando, FL, 2013, pp. 2085-2086.
    8. E. Assefa, J. C. West, V. Rajamani and C. F. Bunting, "Numerical study of currents induced on a partially shielded wire within an ideal reverberation test chamber," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, Pittsburgh, PA, 2012, pp. 150-155.
    9. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting and J. C. West, "Differences in quality factor estimation in frequency and time domain," 2012 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, 2012, pp. 505-508.
    10. C. F. Bunting, J. C. West and V. Rajamani, "Operational process for characterizing below deck electromagnetic compatibility," RF and Microwave Conference (RFM), 2011 IEEE International, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, 2011, pp. 171-174.
    11. J. C. West, C. F. Bunting and V. Rajamani, "Optimal plane-wave representation of random fields in a reverberation chamber," Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, Long Beach, CA, USA, 2011, pp. 208-213.
    12. West, J. C., “An implementation of the impedance-boundary CFIE using linear-linear basis functions and MLFMA,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, July 11-17, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1-4.
    13. West, J. C.and Bunting, C. F., “Modeling of lossy, enclosed rooms using MLFMA,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, June 1-5, Charleston, South Carolina, 1-4.
    14. West, J. C., “Analysis of impedance resonances in a spiral-element array,” Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, July 5-11, San Diego, California, 1-4.
    15. West, J. C., “An implementation of the impedance-boundary combined field integration equation moment method for arbitrarily shaped objects,” Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, July 5-11, San Diego, California, 1-4.
    16. Bunting, C.F, West, J. C., and Cheville, R. A., “A hands-on approach that makes electromagnetics relevant to students—The results of a three year study,” Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, July 5-11, San Diego, California, 1-4.
    17. Hall, J. M., C. F. Bunting, and J. C. West, “Modified fast far field approximation for improving speed and accuracy in electromagnetic scattering computations,” Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 19-24, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 4011-4014.
    18. Hall, J. M., C. F. Bunting, and J. C. West, “A novel group strategy for the modified fast far field approximation which further improves speed and accuracy,” Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 19-24, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 4019-4022.
    19. Bunting, C. F., R. A. Cheville, and J. C. West, “VECTOR: A hands-on approach that makes electromagnetics relevant to students,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Expositiion, June 18-21, Chicago, Illinois, a. code/getPaper.cfm?paperID=11007&pdf=2006Full1544.pdf.
    20. Li, Y. and J. C. West, “Microwave backscattering from water waves with non-uniform crests,” Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 3-8, Washington, DC, pp. 396-399.
    21. Li, Y. and J. C. West, “Microwave scattering from 3-D breaking water wave crests,” Proceedings of the 2004 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, September 20-24, Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. I, pp. 406-409.
    22. West, J. C., “Polarization ratios in microwave scattering from spilling breaker water waves at moderate incidence,” Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, June 20-26, Monterey, California, vol. 1, pp. 902-905.
    23. Bunting, C. F., R. A. Cheville, J. C. West, and R. Bryant, “Undergraduate electromagnetics education at Oklahoma State University: VECTOR (Vitalizing Electromagnetic Concepts to Obtain Relevancy),” Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagtion, June 20-26, Monterey, California, vol. 3, pp. 3349-3352.
    24. West, J. C., “Small-slope approximation modeling of scattering from a spilling breaker wave crest,” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France, July 21-25, vol. I, pp. 139-141.
    25. Zhao, Z. and J. C. West, “Extended GO modeling of microwave backscattering from measured breaking wave crests,” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France, July 21-25, vol. IV, pp. 4198-4200.
    26. Zhao, Z. and J. C. West, “Two-scale analysis of LGA scattering from a 3-D spilling breaker crest,” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium, Columbus, Ohio, June 22-27, paper 95.1.
    27. West, J. C., “Diffractive analysis of analysis of backscatter from wave-crest-like objects,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, June 24-28, pp.1269-1271.
    28. Sletten, M. A., X. Liu, J. H. Duncan, and J. C. West, “Radar investigations of breaking water waves at low grazing angles with simultaneous high-speed optical imagery,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, June 24-28, pp. 922-924.
    29. Zhao, Z. and J. C. West, “Resistive treatment of edges in MLFMA LGA scattering from finite conductivity 2-D surfaces,” Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Antonio, Texas, June 16-21, Vol. IV, pp. 264-267.
    30. West, J. C., M. Sletten, and J. D. Duncan, “Comparison of measured LGA microwave backscatter from breaking wave crests with numerical calculations,” Proceedings of the 2002 URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, January 9-12, pg. 222.
    31. Sletten, M. A., J. H. Duncan, and J. C. West, “Radar investigations of breaking water waves at low grazing angles with simultaneous high-speed optical imagery,” Proceedings of the 2002 URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, January 9-12, pg. 223
    32. West, J. C., Z. Zhao, X. Liu, and J. D. Duncan, “LGA scattering from measured breaking water waves: Extension to jetting surfaces,” Proceedings of the 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Sydney, Australia, July 9-13, pp. 2454-2456.
    33. West, J. C., “West, J. C., “Resistive treament of edges in numerical LGA scattering from rough surfaces,” Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Boston, Massachusetts, July 8-13, pp. 508-511.
    34. Zhao, Z. and J. C. West, “Multipath scattering from breaking water waves with rough faces,” Proceedings of the 2001 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 8-13, pg. 318.
    35. West, J. C., “LGA Sea-Spike Backscattering from Plunging Breaker Crests.” Proceedings of the 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 24-28, pp. 3120-3122.
    36. Ja, S.-J. and J. C. West, “Mechanisms of Scattering from Spilling-Breaker Water Waves.” Proceedings of the 2000 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 5-14, pg. 3.
    37. Trizna, D. B., M. A. Sletten, N. Allan, J. Toporkov, R. Harris, and J. C. West, “Dual Frequency Polarimetric Calibrations of the Naval Ultrawideband Synthetic Aperture Radar,” 2000 URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, January 4-8. 27. West, J. C., “Integral equation formulation for iterative calculation of scattering from lossy rough surfaces.” Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, Florida, July 11-16.
    38. West, J. C., “Analysis of the iterative Kirchhoff approximation for rough surface scattering.” Proceedings of the 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, pp. 2410-2412.
    39. West, J. C., S.-J. Ja, J. H. Duncan, and H. Qiao, “LGA scattering from breaking water waves—Further results.” Proceedings of the 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, pp. 2625-2627.
    40. Chubb, S. R., A. L. Cooper, J. C. West, and G. M. Nedlin, “Lessons learned from full-spectral modeling of signatures of an estuary front.” Proceedings of the 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, June28-July2, 1999, pp. 2539-2541.
    41. West, J. C., “Scattering from wind-roughened water surfaces using an impedance-boundary periodic-surface moment method.” Proceedings of the 1998 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Seattle, Washington, July 6-10, 1998, pp. 2372-2374.
    42. West, J. C., S.-J. Ja, J. H. Duncan, and H. Qiao, “LGA scattering from steepening water wave—A numerical study.” Proceedings of the 1998 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Seattle, Washington, July 6-10, 1998, pp. 2289-2291.
    43. West, J. C., “Ray analysis of LGA scattering from a breaking water wave.” Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, June 22-26, 1998, pp. 72-75.
    44. West, J. C. and J. M. Sturm, “Numerical study of shadowing in electromagnetic scattering from rough dielectric surfaces.” Proceedings of the 1997 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Singapore, August 3-8, 1997.
    45. West, J. C. and B. S. O’Leary, “Numerical calculation of backscatter from measured wind-roughened water surfaces.” Proceedings of the 1997 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 7-11, 1997, pg. 329.
    46. West, J. C. and S. J. Ja, “Numerical calculation of backscattering from waves of various degrees of breaking.” Proceedings of the 1997 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 7-11, 1997, pg. 330.
    47. West, J. C. and J. M. Sturm, A hybrid MM/GTD numerical technique for far-field scattering from impedance boundaries, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, July 21-26, 1996, pp. 2110-2113.
    48. West, J. C., J. M. Sturm, and M. A. Sletten, “Small grazing angle radar scattering from a breaking water wave: Demonstration of Brewster angle damping.” Proceedigngs of the 1996 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 27-31, 1996, pp. 2207-2209.
    49. West, J. C., M. A. Sletten, and J. M. Sturm, “Comparison of numerically predicted scattering from a breaking wave with experiment.” Proceedings of the 1995 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS ‘95), Seattle, Washington, July 24-28, 1995, pg. 759.
    50. West, J. C., R. Chen, and B. S. O’Leary, “Numerical calculation of scattering from rough surfaces with power-law spectra using a periodic-surface moment method.” Proceedings of the 1995 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS ‘95), Seattle, Washington, July 24-28, 1995, pg. 758.
    51. Sletten, M. A., A. Savtchenko, and J. C. West, “Observation of double-bounce radar scatter from breaking water waves.” Proceedings of the 1995 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS ‘95), Seattle, Washington, July 24-28, 1995, pg. 755.
    52. West, J. C. and R. Chen, "Analysis of scattering from rough surfaces at small grazing angles using a periodic-surface moment method." Proceedings of the 1994 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '94), Pasadena, California, August 8-12, 1994, pp. 277-279.
    53. West, J. C., "Numerical prediction of shadowing in EM scattering from a rough ocean wave at grazing incidence." Proceedings of the 1994 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '94), Pasadena, California, August 8-12, 1994, pp. 809-811.
    54. West, J. C., "Investigation of shadowing in rough surface scattering at small grazing angles." Preceedings of the 1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, Washington, June 19-24, 1994, pp. 2023-2035.
    55. Vachon, P. W., A. S. Bhogal, and J. C. West, "CV-580 SAR results from the SWADE 1991 field program." Presented at the 15th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1-4, 1992.
    56. West, J. C., "Comparison of modeled backscatter from slightly-rough curved surfaces with numerical predictions." URSI Digest, 1992 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, Texas, May 26-29, 1992, pp. 12-13.
    57. West, J. C., "Numerical prediction of the effects of azimuthal smearing on SAR imaging of ocean waves using the subwindowing technique." Proceedings of the 1991 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '91), Espoo, Finland, June 3-6, 1991, pp. 1621-1624.
    58. West, J. C. and P. W. Vachon, "Spectral estimation techniques for multilook SAR images of ocean waves." Proceedings of the 1991 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '91), Espoo, Finland, June 3-6, 1991, pg. 451.