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Journal Articles

  • Charles F. Bunting

    Journal Articles

    1. V. Rajamani, J. C. West and C. F. Bunting, "Measurement and Simulation of the Induced Current on a Wire Using S-Parameter Method," in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 303-310, April 2014.
    2. V. Devabhaktuni, C. F. Bunting, D. Green, D. Kvale, L. Mareddy and V. Rajamani, "A New ANN-Based Modeling Approach for Rapid EMI/EMC Analysis of PCB and Shielding Enclosures," in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 385-394, April 2013.
    3. J. West, C.F. Bunting, and V. Rajamani, “Accurate and Efficient Numerical Simulation of the Random Environment Within an Ideal Reverberation Chamber,” IEEE Trans. on Electromag. Compat., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 167 - 173, (2012).
    4. Anqi Zhang; Daqing Piao, Charles F. Bunting, “Photon diffusion in a homogeneous medium bounded externally or internally by an infinitely long circular cylindrical applicator. III. Synthetic-study of continuous-wave photon fluence rate along unique spiral-paths,” Journal of Optical Society of America, JOSA A, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 545-558 (2012)
    5. A. Zhang, D. Piao, G. Yao, C.F. Bunting, Y. Jiang, “Diffuse photon remission along unique spiral paths on a cylindrical interface is modeled as that along a straight line on a semi-infinite interface,” Optics Letters, 36(5): 654-6 (2011).
    6. Z. Jiang, D. Piao, G.R. Holyoak, J.W. Ritchey, K.E. Bartels, G. Slobodov, C.F. Bunting, J.S. Krasinski, “Trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled spectral optical tomography of total hemoglobin concentration enhances assessment of the laterality and progression of a transmissible venereal tumor in canine prostate,” Urology, 77(1): 237-42 (2011).
    7. V. Rajamani, C.F. Bunting and James C. West, “Stirred-mode Operation of Reverberation Chambers for EMC Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (Accepted with minor revisions).
    8. Vijay Devabhaktuni, , C.F. Bunting, D. Green, D. Kvale, L. Mareddy, V. Rajamani, “A New ANN Based Modeling Approach for Rapid EMI/EMC Analysis of PCB and Shielding Enclosures” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, (under Review)
    9. M. Westrick, H. Zhang, M. Almalkawi, V. Devabhaktuni, C. F. Bunting, “A Low-profile, Low-cost Antenna System with Improved Gain for DSRC Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Dec. 2011 (Accepted)
    10. Yadav*, A., Subedi, D., Lundeberg, M. A., & Bunting, C. F. “Problem-based learning: Influence on students’ learning in an electrical engineering course,” Journal of Engineering Education, Volume: 100 Issue: 2 Pages: 253-280 Published: April 2011.
    11. A. Zhang, G. Xu, C. Daluwatte, G. Yao, C.F. Bunting, B.W. Pogue, D. Piao, “Photon diffusion in a homogeneous medium bounded externally or internally by an infinitely long circular cylindrical applicator ---- Part II: Quantitative examination of the steady-state theory,” Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, 28(2): 66-75, 2011.
    12. A. Zhang, D. Piao, G. Yao, C.F. Bunting, Y. Jiang, “Diffuse photon remission along unique spiral paths on a cylindrical interface is modeled as that along a straight line on a semi-infinite interface,” Optics Letters, 36(5): 654-6 (2011).
    13. Guan Xu, Daqing Piao, C.F. Bunting, and Hamid Dehghani, “Direct-current-based image reconstruction versus direct-current included or excluded frequency-domain reconstruction in diffuse optical tomography,” 1 June 2010, Vol. 49, no. 16, Applied Optics, pp. 3059-3070.
    14. Zhang A, Piao D, Bunting CF, Pogue BW, “Photon diffusion in a homogeneous medium bounded externally or internally by an infinitely long circular cylindrical applicator ---- Part I: steady-state theory,” Journal of Optical Society of America, A, vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 648-662, 2010.
    15. Piao D, Bartels KE, Jiang Z, Holyoak GR, Ritchey JW, Xu G, Bunting CF, Slobodov G, “Alternative trans-rectal prostate imaging: A diffuse optical tomography method,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, “Biophotonics 2”, vol. 16, No. 4, pp.715-729, 2010.
    16. Piao D, Jiang Z, Bartels KE, Holyoak GR, Ritchey JW, Xu G, Bunting CF, Slobodov G, “In vivo trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled near-infrared optical tomography of intact normal canine prostate,” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 215-225, 2009.
    17. Bunting, C. F. and R. A. Cheville. "VECTOR: A Hands-On Approach That Makes Electromagnetics Relevant to Students." IEEE Transactions on Education vol. 52 no. 3, pp. 350-359, August 2009.
    18. Zhen Jiang, G. Reed Holyoak, Kenneth E. Bartels, Jerry W. Ritchey, Guan Xu, Charles F. Bunting, Gennady Slobodov, and Daqing Piao, “In vivo trans-rectal ultrasound–coupled optical tomography of a transmissible venereal tumor model in the canine pelvic canal,” J. Biomed. Opt. Vol. 14, 030506, Jun. 8, 2009.
    19. Jiang Z, Piao D, Xu G, Ritchey JW, Holyoak GR, Bartels KE, Bunting CF, Slobodov G, Krasinski JS, “Trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled near-infrared optical tomography of the prostate Part II: Experimental demonstration,” Optics Express, 16(22): 17505–17520 (2008).
    20. Xu G, Piao D, Musgrove CH, Bunting CF, Dehghani H, “Trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled near-infrared optical tomography of the prostate Part I: Simulation,” Optics Express, 16(22): 17484–17504 (2008).
    21. C. Musgrove, C. F. Bunting, H. Dehghani, B.W. Pogue, and D. Piao “Computational aspects of endoscopic (trans-rectal) near-infrared optical tomography: initial investigations”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6434, 643409, Feb. 13, 2007.
    22. Piao, D., Xie, H., Musgrove, C., Bunting, C.F., Zhang, W., Zhang, G., Vemulapalli, S., Dehghani, H., Pogue, B.W., “Near-Infrared Optical Tomography: Endoscopic Imaging Approach,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6431, 643103 (2007).
    23. V. Rajamani and C.F. Bunting, “Validation of Modal/MoM in Shielding Effectiveness Studies of Rectangular Enclosures with Apertures.” IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 348-353, May 2006.
    24. Z.A. Khan, C.F. Bunting, and M. Deshpande, Shielding Effectiveness of Metallic Enclosures At Oblique And Arbitrary Polarizations, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat. vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 112-122, Feb. 2005.
    25. C. F. Bunting and S. Yu, “Field Penetration in a Rectangular Box using Numerical Techniques: An Effort to Obtain Statistical Shielding Effectiveness,” IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 160-168, May 2004.
    26. C.F. Bunting, “Shielding Effectiveness of a Two-Dimensional Reverberation Chamber using Finite Element Techniques”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 548-552, August 2003.
    27. C.F. Bunting, “Statistical Characterization and the Simulation of a Reverberation Chamber using Finite Element Techniques,” IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 214-221, February 2002.
    28. D.T. Nguyen, C.F. Bunting, K.J. Moeller, H.B. Runesha, and J. Qin, “Subspace and Lanzcos Sparse Eigen-Solvers for Finite Element Structural and Electromagnetic Applications,” Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 31, pp. 599-606, 2000.
    29. C.F. Bunting, K. J. Moeller, C. J. Reddy, and S.A. Scearce, “A Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Reverberation Chambers,” IEEE Transactions in Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 41, no. 4, Nov. 1999, pp. 280-289.
    30. C. F. Bunting, and W.A. Davis, “A Functional for Dynamic Finite Element Solutions in Electromagnetics,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 47, no. 1, Jan. 1999, pp. 149-156.
    31. Davis, W.A., C.F. Bunting, and S.E. Bucca, “Measurement and Analysis for Stripline Material Parameters Using Network Analyzers,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 41, pp. 286-290, April. 1992.
    32. Davis, W.A. and C.F. Bunting, “Variational Functionals in Electromagnetics: Basic Concepts,” AEU, vol. 46, No.5, pp. 355-361, 1992.
  • James C. West

    Journal Articles

    1. V. Rajamani, J. C. West and C. F. Bunting, "Measurement and Simulation of the Induced Current on a Wire Using S-Parameter Method," in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 303-310, April 2014.
    2. J. C. West, C. F. Bunting and V. Rajamani, "Accurate and Efficient Numerical Simulation of the Random Environment Within an Ideal Reverberation Chamber," in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 167-173, Feb. 2012.
    3. V. Rajamani, C. F. Bunting and J. C. West, "Stirred-Mode Operation of Reverberation Chambers for EMC Testing," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 2759-2764, Oct. 2012.
    4. West, J. C. and H. Steyskal, “Analysis and feeding of a spiral element used in a planar array,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 57, 1931-1935, Jul. 2009.
    5. Li, Y. and J. C. West, “Low-grazing-angle scattering from 3-D breaking water wave crests,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44, 2093-2101, Aug. 2006.
    6. West, J. C., “Correlation of Bragg scattering from the sea surface at different polarizations,” Waves in Random and Complex Media, 15, 395-404, Aug. 2005.
    7. Zhao, Z. and J. C. West, “Resistive suppression of edge effects in MLFMA scattering from finite conductivity surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 53, 1848-1852, May 2005.
    8. Zhao, Z. and J. C. West, “Low-grazing-angle microwave scattering from a three-dimensional spilling breaker crest: A numerical investigation,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43, 286-294, February 2005.
    9. Sletten, M. A., J. C. West, X. Liu, and J. H. Duncan, “Radar investigations of breaking water waves at low grazing angles with simultaneous high-speed optical imagery,” Radio Science, 38, November 2003, 1110, doi:10.1029/2002RS002716 .
    10. West, J. C., “On the Control of Edge Diffraction in Numerical Rough Surface Scattering Using Resistive Tapering,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 51, 3180-3183, November 2003.
    11. Chubb, S. R., A. L. Cooper, J. C. West, G. M. Nedlin, and M. A. Sletten, “Lessons Learned from Full-Spectral Modeling of Signatures of an Estuary Front,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41, 582-587, March 2003.
    12. West, J. C. and S.-J. Ja, “Two-scale treatment of LGA scattering from spilling breaker water waves,” Radio Science, 37, July 2002, 1110, doi:10.1029/2001RS002517.
    13. West, J. C. and Z. Zhao, “Electromagnetic modeling of multipath scattering from breaking water waves with rough faces,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40, 583-592, March 2002.
    14. West, J. C., “LGA Sea-Spike Backscattering from Plunging Breaker Crests,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40, 523-526, February 2002.
    15. Ja, S.-J., J. C. West, H. Qiao, and J. H. Duncan, “Mechanisms of LGA Scattering from a Spilling Breaker Water Wave,” Radio Science, 36, 981-998, September/October 2001.
    16. West, J. C., “Integral equation formulation for iterative calculation of scattering from lossy rough surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 38, 1609-1615, July 2000. 14. West, J. C., “Preconditioned iterative solution of scattering from rough surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 48, 1001-1002, June 2000.
    17. West, J. C., “Electromagnetic scattering from finite conductivity wind-roughened water surfaces,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20, 3445-3450, November 1999.
    18. West, J.C., “Ray analysis of low-grazing scattering from a breaking water wave.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 37, 2725-2727, November, 1999.
    19. West, J. C. and J. M. Sturm, On iterative approaches for electromagnetic rough-surface scattering problems, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 47, 1281-1288, August 1999.
    20. Sturm, J. M. and J. C. West, Numerical study of shadowing in electromagnetic scattering from rough dielectric surfaces, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36, 1477-1484, September 1998.
    21. West, J. C. and B. S. O’Leary, “Numerical calculation of electromagnetic scattering from measured wind-roughened water surfaces.” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19, 1377-1393, May 10 1998.
    22. West, J.C., J.M. Sturm, and S. J. Ja, “Low-grazing scattering from breaking waves using an impedance boundary MM/GTD approach.” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 46, 93-100, January 1998.
    23. West, J. C. and M. A. Sletten, “Multipath scattering from breaking ocean waves at grazing incidence.” Radio Science, 32, 1455-1467, July 1997.
    24. West, J. C., “Effect of shadowing on electromagnetic scattering from rough ocean-wave-like surfaces at small grazing angles.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 35, 293-301, March 1997.
    25. Chen, R. and J. C. West, "Analysis of scattering from rough surfaces at small grazing angles using a periodic-surface moment method." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 33, 1206-1213, September 1995.
    26. West, J. C., "Comparison of modeled backscatter from slightly-rough curved surfaces with numerical predictions." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31, 880-884, July 1993.
    27. West, J. C., "Effect of range-to-velocity ratio on SAR imaging of azimuthal ocean waves." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31, 299-303, January 1993.
    28. Vachon, P. W. and J. C. West, "Spectral estimation techniques for multilook SAR images of ocean waves." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 30, 568-577, May 1992.