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80 MHz Reverberation chamber (EMC Characterization from 80 MHz to 20 GHz)

Fully absorber lined anechoic chamber (8.5 meter - Antenna characterization from 30 MHz to 20 GHz)

1- 2 GHz, 50 Watt amplifier

Pre-amplifier (100 KHz to 3 GHz)

Suite of VNAs and Spectrum analyzers (we can list model numbers and frequency ranges

  • Vector Network Analyzer (Agilent 8722ES, 50 MHz‐40 GHz)

  • Spectrum Analyzer (Agilent 4407B, 9 kHz‐26.5 GHz)

  • Vector Network Analyzer (HP 8753ES, 50 MHz‐6 GHz)

  • Vector Signal Analyzer (Agilent 89441A DC‐2650 MHz)

  • Signal Generator (Agilent E4437B 250KHz‐4 GHz) 


  • FEKO - full suite

  • Antenna Magus

  • COMSOL Multiphysics


  • Sonnet

  • Advanced Design System by Agilent/Keysight

Computational Capability

The core of the REFTAS laboratory computational resources are four Intel quad-core Core I7 computational nodes each with 16 GB of RAM each and an Intel quad-core Core2 node with 8 gigabytes of RAM. Each node is is running a Linux environment and is operating in parallel as a Beowulf cluster using the MPI message passing protocol. This cluster is supported by numerous Intel Pentium and Core2 class workstations running both the Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems. Additional computational time is also available on the Oklahoma State University High Performance Computing Center cluster of 512 compute cores with 1024 GB of RAM running the Linux operating system in a Beowulf cluster using the MPI message passing protocol.