REFTAS Laboratory
Developed taxonomy
Initiated measurement process characterization
Developed test methodologies to measure the reverberation distance both in frequency and time domain
Andro STTR
Enhanced taxonomy
Thresholding of numerical methods
Validation emphasis
Monopole on ground plane measurements
Statistics of current coupled on wire due to external EMI
Key papers:
Optimal Plane-Wave Representation of Random Fields in a Reverberation Chamber (Presented at IEEE EMC Symposium, Long Beach, CA (August 2011)
Accurate and Efficient Numerical Simulation of the Random Environment Within an Ideal Reverberation Chamber (Accepted by IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility, Aug. 2011)
To be submitted: "A Taxonomy for Characterizing System-Level Electromagnetic Compatibility"
To be submitted: "Statistics of Induced Current on a Wire Using Simple S-Parameter Measurements"
To be submitted: "EMI Threat Model and Probability of Failure"
National Science Foundation
FEKO PCB simulation — needed for ANN development
Measurement of emission at 1 mol.