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ECEN Courses 

  • ENSC 2613 - Introduction to Electrical Science

    Circuit variables, Sources, Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Laws, Dependent sources, Resistors, divider circuits Meter movements, ammeter, voltmeter, Node voltage method, mesh currents, Source transformations Thevenin and Norton circuits, Operational Amplifiers, Inductors, capacitors, RL and RC natural response and general response, The phasor, circuit elements, Impedance Combinations, Phasor diagrams, resonance, Real and reactive power, RMS values, Complex power, power calculations, Maximum power transfer.

  • ECEN 3613 - Electromagnetic Fields

    Time-harmonic and transient response of transmission lines. Maxwells equations and their applications to engineering problems in electrostatics, magnetostatics, time-harmonic fields and plane wave propagation.

  • ECEN 3623 - Mathematical Foundations of Electromagnetics and Photonics

    Lab 2. Mathematical and computational treatment of fundamental electromagnetic theory, with applications to microwave engineering, photonics and semiconductor design. Energy and power; Laplace and Poisson equations; wave equation including reflection, refraction, and diffraction; and classical electromagnetic radiation at macroscopic and microscopic levels.

  • ECEN 4613 - Microwave Engineering 

    Aspects of propagation, transmission, and radiation of microwave energy. Plane wave propagation; lossless and lossy media, reflection, refraction, and polarization. Transmission line theory; lumped element model, characteristic impedance, impedance matching, and transient response. Theory of waveguides and cavity resonators. Microwave network theory and S-parameters. Introduction to radiating systems.

  • ECEN 5613 - Electromagnetic Field Theory

    First graduate level treatment of classical electromagnetic theory. Wave equation, potential theory, boundary conditions. Rectangular, cylindrical and spherical wave functions. Conducting and dielectric guiding structures. Scattering and radiation. Introduction to numerical techniques.

  • ECEN 5623 - Antenna Theory

    Fundamental antenna parameters, including directivity, efficiency, radiation resistance, and pattern. Analysis of dipole, loop, aperture, broad- band, and traveling wave antennas. Array theory. Introduction to numerical techniques used in modern antenna design.

  • ECEN 5633 - Radar Theory

    Theoretical treatment of radar principles. Overview of radar systems and techniques, radar equation, integration of signals. Radar cross-section of single and multiple targets. Waveform design, resolution, ambiguities and accuracy. Range, speed and angular measurements. Detection of targets in noise. Statistical description of clutter. Signal processing techniques.

  • ECEN 5643 - Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communications

    Aspects of radiowave propagation for fixed and mobile communication systems. Review of Maxwell's equations and plane wave propagation, antenna principles. Reflection, refraction, diffraction, fading and scintillation, attenuation, ducting, diversity. Propagation in a cellular environment. Satellite communications.

Outreach Courses

  • Reverberation Chamber Theory/ Experiment Short Course

    Participants will have a thorough understanding of the operation of a reverberation chamber for EMC testing. They will have developed a test plan for an immunity test with specified conditions and objectives. They will also have a permanent record of data collected and analyzed, and an extensive set of notes.

  • High Intensity Radiated Fields Course

    This comprehensive workshop will provide an awareness of all aspects of systems and aircraft HIRF testing as a route to compliance and will include: Why HIRF is important, The FAA/European requirements to demonstrate compliance — FAA/EASA Harmonized HIRF rule released in the Federal Register for comment, and will replace the interim special conditions, Equipment Qualification, Aircraft certification and testing, Pitfalls and problems, Design issues, An overview of lightning requirements and design. With particular emphasis on practical measurement, this workshop is particularly relevant to engineers and technicians involved in aircraft HIRF certification.

  • EMC Design Course

    EMC for Working Engineers (Basic Course)

    This seminar's primary focus is to help working engineers understand the causes of EMC problems so this knowledge can be applied to real world product design immediately. Formulas and equations are not required and are minimized throughout the seminar. Understanding the causes of EMC problems will allow engineers to make difficult design trade-off decisions will be the main focus.

    Advanced EMC Design using Simulation Tools (Advanced Course)

    This seminar provides a complete assessment of the various modeling techniques available today, and more importantly, provides a number of detailed examples of how-to create models for a wide variety of disciplines. Radiated emissions from printed circuit boards, cables, antennas, and other general devices are all discussed and demonstrated against real-world problems. It is extremely important that the use validate modeling/simulation results and so validation of modeling techniques and modeling codes are discussed, as well as standard modeling problems to allow engineers a more complete evaluation against potential vendor software packages. The seminar focuses heavily on practical, real-world problems, and provides the students with the ability to begin to do EMC modeling and simulation on their own.


    Not all simulation techniques are appropriate for every desired simulation task! Each technique will do some types of simulation very well, while not performing well for other tasks. This seminar will discuss how each technique works (without lots of math) and where each technique is optimum and where it is not advised.

  • Overview of Radiated Immunity/Emission Test Facilities 

    This course will provide a basis for making informed radiated emission / immunity testing decisions by answering questions like, What kind of test facilities available? What type of Electromagnetic Environment is available with each test facility, What to expect from test? What type of facility should you buy? In addition this course will also cover some standards overview, test planning issues, detailed coverage of major test techniques, sources of uncertainty in test results and uncertainty propagation and impact on test results.