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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Your generous contributions to CEAT drive the college forward

Your donations allow us to become a 21st century hub of innovation and impact. 

As a donor, your gift represents the pinnacle of private annual support to CEAT and demonstrates your passion for higher education, students and OSU.  
While we have accomplished much in the past years, our ambitions continue to grow and we need your continued support!

The CEAT Dean's Club is a distinguished group whose annual gifts of $2,500 or more to either the CEAT Designated Endowment Program Fund or the Scholar Program Fund,

support our college's top priorities and ensure a bright future for CEAT students.  As a member, you will receive a number of exclusive benefits and privileges.

Across our six engineering schools, school of architecture and division of engineering technology we are creating new opportunities for students.
They have access to state-of-the-art facilities, experience hands on learning, develop cultural perspectives, learning from award-winning faculty and join a community of scholars, leaders and innovators who are solving global challenges.  
Your support will directly impact the opportunities of our growing diverse college.  

Join us in making an impact on CEAT students

Over $27M 

non-dept financial aid awarded to CEAT students

Over $3.5M

in scholarships available each academic year

More than 1,200

CEAT students receive scholarships each year

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