Y. Li, J. VanOsdol, A. Ranjan, and C. Liu. A Multilayer Network-Enabled Ultrasonic Image Series Analysis Approach for Online Cancer Drug Delivery Monitoring. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 213: 106505, 2022.
Z. Shi, A. Mamun, C. Kan, W. Tian, and C. Liu. An LSTM-Autoencoder Based Online Side Channel Monitoring Approach for Cyber-Physical Attack Detection in Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2022. Accepted for Publication.
Krishnan, D.R., T. Liu. 2022. A Branch-and-cut Algorithm for Pickup-and-delivery Traveling Salesman Problem with Handling Costs. Accepted at Networks.
Y. Li, Z. Shi, C. Liu, W. Tian, Z. Kong, and C. Williams. Augmented Time Regularized Generative Adversarial Network (ATR-GAN) for Data Augmentation in Online Process Anomaly Detection. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022. Accepted for publication.
A. Mamun, C. Liu, C. Kan, and W. Tian. Securing cyber-physical additive manufacturing systems by in-situ process authentication using streamline video analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 62: 429-440, 2022.
Y. Chen, A. Abu-Heiba, S. Kassaee, C. Liu, G. Liu, M. Starke, B. Smith, and A. Momen. Coupled Heat-Power Operation of Smart Buildings via Modular Pumped Hydro Storage. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2022. Accepted for Publication.
Liu, R. Wang, I. Ho, Z. Kong, C. Williams, S. Babu, and C. Joslin. Toward Online Layer-wise Surface Morphology Measurement in Additive Manufacturing Using a Deep Learning-based Approach. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2022. Accepted for Publication.
C. Liu, W. Tian, and C. Kan. When AI Meets Additive Manufacturing: Challenges and Emerging Opportunities for Human-Centered Products Development. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022. Accepted for publication
H. Validi, A. Buchanan, E. Lykhovyd. Imposing contiguity constraints in political districting models. Operations Research. 70(2): 867-892, 2022.
B. Balasundaram, J.S. Borrero, H. Pan, Graph Signatures: Identification and Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 296(3):764–775, February 2022.
Niloufar Daemi, Juan S. Borrero, and Balabhaskar Balasundaram. Interdicting low-diameter cohesive subgroups in large-scale social networks. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, February 2022 DOI:10.1287/ijoo.2021.0068.
C. Liu, Z. Kong, S. Babu, C. Joslin, and J. Ferguson. An Integrated Manifold Learning Approach for High Dimensional Data Feature Extractions and its Applications to Online Process Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing. IISE Transactions. 53(11), 1215-1230, 2021.
Z. Shi, C. Kan, W. Tian, and C. Liu. A Blockchain-based G-code Protection Approach for Cyber-Physical Security in Additive Manufacturing. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 21(4): 041007, 2021.
Z. Ye, C. Liu, W. Tian, and C. Kan. In-situ Point Cloud Fusion for Layer-wise Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol.61 pp.210-222, 2021.
F. Majzoubi, L. Bai, and S.S. Heragu, The EMS Vehicle Transportation Problem During a Demand Surge. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 989-1006, 2021.
T. van de Kracht and S.S. Heragu. Lessons from Modeling and Running the World’s Largest Drive-Through, Mass Vaccination Clinic. INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 91-105, March-April 2021.
B. Yao, Y. Chen, and H. Yang, Constrained Markov Decision Process Modeling for Optimal Sensing of Cardiac Events in Mobile Health. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, accepted 2021.
B. Yao, Spatiotemporal Modeling and Optimization for Personalized Cardiac Simulation. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, accepted 2021.
Z. Wang and B. Yao. Multi-Branching Temporal Convolutional Network for Sepsis Prediction. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, accepted 2021.
H. D. Kaushik and F. Yousefian, A Method with Convergence Rates for Optimization Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31 (3): 2171–2198, 2021.
J.S. Borrero, M. Akhgar, P. Krokhmal, "A Scalable Markov Chain Framework for Influence Maximization in Arbitrary Networks," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2021).
J.S. Borrero, L. Lozano, "Modeling Defender-Attacker Problems as Robust Linear Programs with Mixed-integer Uncertainty Sets," INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 33, No. 4 (2021).
J. Yang, J.S. Borrero, O.A. Prokopyev, D. Saure, "Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Limited Feedback," Decision Analysis (2021). Forthcoming.
B. Farmanesh, A. Pourhabib, B. Balasundaram, and A. Buchanan. A Bayesian framework for functional calibration of expensive computational models through non-isometric matching. IISE Transactions, 53(3):352–364, March 2021.
F. Yousefian, A. Nedich, and U.V. Shanbhag, On stochastic and deterministic quasi-Newton methods for non-strongly convex optimization: Asymptotic convergence and rate analysis, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30 (2): 1144-1172, 2020.
B. Yao and H. Yang. Spatiotemporal Regularization for Inverse ECG Modeling. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering: 1-25., accepted 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, R. Mehta, & F. Sasangohar. Technologies for Opioid Use Disorder Management: Mobile App Search and Scoping Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(6), e15752, 2020.
Y. Zhu, J. K. Jayagopal, R. K. Mehta, M. Erraguntla, J. K. Nuamah, A. D. McDonald, ... & S.H. Chang. Classifying Major Depressive Disorder Using fNIRS During Motor Rehabilitation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(4), 961-969, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, C. Rodriguez-Paras, & F. Sasangohar. Veteran-Centered Investigation of Architectural and Space Design Considerations for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 1937586720925554, 2020.
R. K. Mehta, & J. K. Nuamah. Relationship Between Acute Physical Fatigue and Cognitive Function During Orthostatic Challenge in Men and Women: A Neuroergonomics Investigation. Human Factors, 0018720820936794, 2020.
P. R. Mosaly, R. Adams, G. Tracton, J. Dooley, K. Adapa, J. K. Nuamah, ... & L. M. Mazur. Impact of Workspace Design on Radiation Therapist Technicians’ Physical Stressors, Mental Workload, Situation Awareness, and Performance. Practical Radiation Oncology, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, K. Adapa, & L. Mazur. Electronic health records (EHR) simulation-based training: a scoping review protocol. BMJ open, 10(8), e036884, 2020.
L. M. Mazur, R. Adams, P. R. Mosaly, J. K. Nuamah, K. Adapa, & L. B. Marks. Impact of Simulation-based Training and Neurofeedback Interventions on Radiation Technologists Workload, Situation Awareness, and Performance. Practical Radiation Oncology, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, P. R. Mosaly, R. Adams, K. Adapa, B. S. Chera, L. B. Marks, & L. M. Mazur. Assessment of Radiation Therapy Technologists’ Workload and Situation Awareness: Monitoring 2 Versus 3 Collocated Display Monitors. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 2020.
L. M. Mazur, R. Adams, P. R. Mosaly, M. P. Stiegler, J. K. Nuamah, K. Adapa, ... & L.B. Marks. Impact of simulation-based training on radiation therapy therapists workload, situation awareness, and performance. Advances in Radiation Oncology, 2020.
J. K. Nuamah, Y. Seong, S. Jiang, E. Park, & D. Mountjoy. Evaluating effectiveness of information visualizations using cognitive fit theory: A neuroergonomics approach. Applied Ergonomics, 88, 103173, 2020.
S. Hariharan, T. Liu, M. Z. Shen. Role of Resource Flexibility and Responsive Pricing in Mitigating the Uncertainties in Production Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2), 498-513, 2020.
A. Gupta, T. Liu, C. Crick. Utilizing Time Series Data Embedded in Electronic Health Records to Develop Continuous Mortality Risk Prediction Models using Hidden Markov Models: A Sepsis Case Study. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(11): 3409-3423, 2020.
K. A. Jurewicz, D. M. Neyens, K. Catchpole, A. Joseph, S. T. Reeves, J. H. Abernathy III. An observational study of anaesthesia workflow to evaluate physical workspace design and layout. British Journal of Anesthesia. Accepted, 2020.
H. Salemi and A. Buchanan. Parsimonius formulations for low-diameter clusters. Mathematical Programming Computation. 12(3): 493-528, 2020.
J.L. Walteros, A. Buchanan. Why is maximum clique often easy in practice? Operations Research, 68(6): 1866-1895, 2020.
Z. Miao and B. Balasundaram. An ellipsoidal bounding scheme for the quasi-clique number of a graph. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32(3):763–778, August 2020.
F. Nasirian, F. M. Pajouh, and B. Balasundaram. Detecting a most closeness-central clique in complex networks. European Journal of Operational Research. 283(2):461-475, June 2020.
- 2019
- J. K. Nuamah, F. Sasangohar, M. Erranguntla, & R. K. Mehta. The past, present and future of opioid withdrawal assessment: a scoping review of scales and technologies. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 19(1), 113, 2019.
- Other publications
J.S. Borrero, O. A. Prokopyev, D. Saure. Learning in Sequential Bilevel Linear Programming. INFORMS Journal on Optimization (2021). Forthcoming.
H. Validi, A. Buchanan. Political districting to minimize cut edges. To appear at Mathematical Programming Computation.
M.J. Naderi, A. Buchanan, J.L. Walteros. Worst-case analysis of clique MIPs. To appear at Mathematical Programming.
H. Salemi, A. Buchanan. Solving the distance-based critical node problem. To appear at INFORMS Journal on Computing.
Stozhkov, A. Buchanan, S. Butenko, V. Boginski. Continuous cubic formulations for cluster detection problems in networks. To appear at Mathematical Programming.
H. Validi, A. Buchanan. The optimal design of low-latency virtual backbones. INFORMS Journal on Computing. Accepted for Publication.
A. Jalilzadeh, A. Nedich, U. V. Shanbhag, and F. Yousefian, A Variable Sample-Size Stochastic Quasi-Newton Method for Smooth and Nonsmooth Stochastic Convex Optimization, Mathematics of Operations Research, to appear.