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Gregory Watson, Ph.D.

Dr. Gregory H. Watson is the Chairman of Business Excellence Solutions, Ltd., located in Finland. He earned his MSIE (2003) and PhD (2018) degrees in IEM from Oklahoma State University. He has authored 12 books, 25 electronic books and over 700 papers, articles, book chapters, videos, webinars, and master classes – most of which are in the public domain. He is a past-President of both the International Academy for Quality (IAQ) and the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and has been a Senior Vice President in the Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE). Dr. Watson has received over 60 international awards for his work in industrial engineering, reliability engineering and quality management and has been named an Honorary Member of 19 national professional associations in his field. He has been elected to the Royal Statistical Institute as a Fellow, in addition to the International Statistical Institute, ASQ, and IISE, and elected to four academic honor societies.

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