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Neal Buck

Neal Buck retired from WPX Energy, a spinoff from Williams as Senior Vice President. He kept most of the same departments he had at Williams but added land (acquisition and management of mineral rights and drilling/land use permits) and the information technology group. WPX continues to do well and outperform its peer companies.


He received his BS and MS in IEM from Oklahoma State University.


His previous employers include Williams Companies, E&P Group; Occidental Oil and Gas Corporation; and Cities Service Oil Company which became Occidental.


Neal’s research work during the MS degree involved travel to military bases, contacts with officers to discuss project needs and goals, and resulted in an excellent project outcome delivered on time. This aggressive achievement continued, beginning immediately upon graduation, as he moved into the oil and gas business for his entire career.


His progression over 35 years was one of continually advancing responsibility and commensurate rewards.

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