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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Dr. Paritosh Ramanan

Assistant Professor


Areas of Interest

  • Federated Machine Learning and Analytics
  • Distributed and Decentralized Optimization
  • Large-Scale Integer Optimization
  • Blockchain-based Decentralized Applications
  • Power Systems Planning and Optimization
  • High-Performance Computing
  • Data Privacy and Security
  • Industrial IoT and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) with a minor in Operations Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020.
M.S. Computer Science, Georgia State University, 2015.
M.Sc.(Tech) Information Systems, BITS-Pilani, 2013.


Academic Positions

Postdoctoral Fellow - NASA Space Technology Research Institute (STRI), Habitats Optimized for Missions of Exploration (HOME) Project, October 2020 - July 2022


Selected Publications

  1. Ramanan P., Li D. and Gebraeel N. “Decentralized Blockchain based Replay Attack Detection
    for Power Systems”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.09086, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man
    and Cybernetics: Systems
  2. Ramanan P., Yildirim M., Gebraeel N. and Chow E. “Large-Scale Maintenance and Unit
    Commitment: A Decentralized Subgradient Approach”, accepted to IEEE Transactions on
    Power Systems, (Impact Factor: 6.663), May 2021
  3. Ramanan P., Yildirim M., Chow E., and Gebraeel N. “An Asynchronous, Decentralized
    Solution Framework for the Large Scale Unit Commitment Problem” IEEE Transactions on
    Power Systems, September 2019
  4. Ramanan P., Nakayama K. “BAFFLE : Blockchain based Aggregator Free Federated
    Learning” IEEE Blockchain 2020, Rhodes Island, Greece, November 2020



  • 1st Prize Winner Institute of Information Security and Privacy (IISP) Demo Day 2020
    Commercialization Track
  • Sam Nunn Security Program (SNSP) Fellowship Award 2018-2019


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