I received my Ph.D in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University, 2007 and my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras in 2002. Theoretical, algorithmic, and computational aspects of solving network optimization problems are my main research interests. I often work on projects that apply optimization models and methods to solve problems that arise in transportation logistics, production-inventory planning, scheduling, routing, and other classical areas of operations research. I am also interested in the analysis of complex biological and social networks using graph-theoretic concepts and optimization techniques. My work has been sponsored by the NSF, DoE, AFOSR, and industry. Publications coauthored with my students and other collaborators have appeared in Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, and INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, among others. I serve on the editorial boards of Networks (Wiley), Operations Research Forum (Springer Nature), and Journal of Global Optimization (Springer).