Downloadable Software Programs and Data Files
Software to accompany the Fourth edition of "Facilities Design" by Sunderesh S Heragu.
The following computer programs and software are available for downloading free of charge for educational use only. Commercial use of the programs is prohibited. To download the programs, click on their names.
Downloadable programs
- Traveling Salesman Problem. Developed by Dr. Byung-In Kim. For additional information and sample data files, contact Dr. Kim.
- Another online program for the Traveling Salesman Problem.
- Manufacturing Performance Analyzer (MPA). Developed by G. Meng and S.S. Heragu
- Group Technology and Layout Program. Developed by S.S. Heragu, S.R. Kakuturi and S. Ramaswamy
- Single-row Layout Program
- Multi-row Layout Program
- Locdemo Program
- 10 Principles of Materials Handling Warning: Very, large file
- Analysis and Design of Integrated Material Handling Systems Warning: Very, large file
- CRAFT Program developed by Professor Paul Jensesn, University of Texas at Austin
- BLOCPLAN program developed by Professors Donaghey, Chung, and Kong. Contact Dr. Donaghey.
- VIP-PLANOPT. Software developed by Engineering Optimization Software (see
- Online Calculator for WH Equipment
- AGV-DST Software developed for MHIA
- ExASRS Software developed for MHIA
- Interactive Warehouse by K.J. Roodbergen, RSM Erasmus University
If you download any of the software programs, please send an e-mail message to Sunderesh Heragu.