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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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IBM Compatible Computers

  • The lab has two IBM 486/66 MHz computers dedicated for data collection.

  • Graduate student office has two IBM computers for data analysis

  • Faculty office has three IBM computers and one SPARC 20

To synchronize the motorized delay line with the data collection instruments we have two IBM computers running the ViewDAC software package. Both computers are tied to a local printer so we can get a hardcopy of our data immediately in the lab. Both are also connected via the campus network to IBM computers on each researchers desk, our server where data is archived onto a writable CD-ROM drive for permanent storage, and our SPARC-20 whose capabilities allow us to do more serious data analysis than possible on the IBM computers. For data analysis we use the MatLab data analysis package in both IBM Windows and SPARC Solaris versions. In our offices we have additional laser printers and a post-script color jet printer available.