- Books
Cengel, Y. A. , J. M. Cimbala, and Ghajar, A. J., Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill Educatrion, New York, NY, 2021.
Ghajar, A. J., Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Flow in Pipes with Different Orientations, Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2020.
Cengel, Y. A. and Ghajar, A. J., Heat and Mass Transfer - Fundamentals and Applications, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2020.
Cengel, Y. A. and Ghajar, A. J., Heat and Mass Transfer - Fundamentals and Applications, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2014.
Cengel, Y. A. and Ghajar, A. J., Heat and Mass Transfer - Fundamentals and Applications, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2010.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd Edition, by S. M. Ghiaasiaan, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2018.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Finite Difference Methods in Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition, by Özişik, M. N., Orlande, H. R. B., Colaço, M. J., and Cotta, R. M., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2017.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Advances in New Heat Transfer Fluids: From Numerical to Experimental Techniques, edited by Minea, A. A., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2017.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for District Cooling: Theory and Practice, by Olama, A. A., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2017.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Introduction to Compressible Fluid Flow, 2nd Edition, by Oosthuizen and Carscallen, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2014.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Advances in Industrial Heat Transfer, edited by Minea, A. A., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2013.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Introduction to Thermal and Fluid Engineering, Kraus, A. D., Welty, J. R., and Aziz, A., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2012.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques, edited by Orlande, H. R. B., Fudym, O., Maillet, D., and Cotta, R. M., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2011.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Conjugate Problems in Convective Heat Transfer, Dorfman, A. S., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2010.
Heat Transfer Series Editor for Engineering Heat Transfer, 3rd Edition, Janna, W. S., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2009. - Book Chapters
Ghajar, A. J., “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in the Transition Region of Smooth Horizontal Circular Tubes with Different Inlet Configurations,” Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 51, Chapter 1, pp. 1-53, 2019.
Ghajar, A. J., “Heat Transfer by Conduction and Convection,” in Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 100th Anniversary Edition, Section 2.4, pp. 177-200, edited by A.M. Sadegh and W. M. Worek, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2018.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bhagwat, S. M, “Gas-Liquid Flow in Ducts,” in Handbook of Multiphase Flow, 2nd Edition, Chapter 3, pp. 287-356, edited by E.E. Michaelides, C. T. Crowe, and J. D. Schwarzkopf, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Rotan, FL, 2017.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bhagwat, S. M, “Flow Patterns, Void Fraction and Pressure Drop in Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow at Different Pipe Orientations”, in Frontiers and Progress in Multiphase Flow I, Chapter 4, pp. 157-212, edited by L. Cheng, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Heat Transfer Measurements for Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow”, in Handbook of Measurement in Science and Engineering, 2V Set, First Edition, edited by Myer Kutz, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Volume 1, Chapter 19, pp. 661-685, 2013.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Void Fraction and Flow Patterns of Two-Phase Flow in Upward and Downward Vertical and Horizontal Pipes”, in Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, Vol. 4, pp. 175-201, edited by L. Cheng and D. Mewes, Bentham Sciences Publishers, 2012.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Advances in Void Fraction, Flow Pattern Maps, and Non-Boiling Heat Transfer Two-Phase Flow in Pipes with Various Inclinations”, in Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, Vol. 1, pp. 1-52, edited by L. Cheng and D. Mewes, Bentham Sciences Publisher Ltd., 2009.
Ghajar, A. J., “Transitional Flow in Tubes,” Chapter 8 in Heat and Mass Transfer – A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition, Y. A. Cengel, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, pp. 482-490, 2007.
Ghajar, A. J. and Kim, J., “Calculation of Local Inside-Wall Convective Heat Transfer Parameters from Measurements of the Local Outside-Wall Temperatures along an Electrically Heated Circular Tube,” in Heat Transfer Calculations, edited by Myer Kutz, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, pp. 23.3-23.27, 2006.
Ghajar, A. J., “Compressible Flow,” Chapter 36 in The Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition, edited by R. C. Dorf, CRC Press, Boca Roton, Florida, pp. 36-1 to 36-17, 2004.
Zurigat, Y. H. and Ghajar, A. J., "Heat Transfer and Stratification in Sensible Heat Storage Systems,” Chapter 6 in Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications, edited by I. Dincer, and M. A. Rosen, John Wiley & Sons, UK, pp. 259-301, 2002. - Invited Keynote Papers and Presentations
Ghajar, A. J., “Flow Patterns, Void Fraction and Convective Heat Transfer in Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow at Various Pipe Inclinations,” Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer (ICMFHT’18), Budapest, Hungary, April 12-14, 2018.
Ghajar, A. J., “Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Inclined Systems,” Donald Q. Kern Award Speaker, 3rd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, March 4-7, 2018.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bhagwat, S. M., “Non-Boiling Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow Phenomenon in Near Horizontal Upward and Downward Inclined Pipe Orientations,” Keynote Paper, ICFDT 2014 (International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 12-13, 2014.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bhagwat, S. M., “Flow Patterns, Void Fraction, Pressure Drop and Convective Heat Transfer in Two Phase Gas-Liquid Flow for Various Pipe Inclinations,” Keynote Paper, ICMF 2013 (8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2013), Jeju, Korea, May 26‑31, 2013.
Ghajar, A. J., “Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow Phenomenon in Vertical Upward and Downward Pipe Orientations,” Keynote Lecture, 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering (ENCIT 2012), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 18‑22, 2012.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Void Fraction and Flow Patterns of Two-phase Gas-Liquid Flow in Various Pipe Inclinations”, Keynote Paper, 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2010), Antalya, Turkey, July 19-21, 2010.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Recent Developments in Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer and Void Fraction in Various Pipe Inclinations”, Invited Talk presented at the 6th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, and Energy Conversion (ISMF2009), Xi’an, China, July 11-15, 2009, the International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being, Mahasarakham, Thailand, July 23-24, 2009.
Ghajar, A. J., “Recent Advances in Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Horizontal, Inclined, and Vertical Pipes with Different Flow Patterns,” Keynote Speaker for the International Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, held at the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, May 20-22, 2009.
Ghajar, A. J., “Recent Advances in Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Horizontal, Inclined, and Vertical Pipes with Different Flow Patterns,” Invited Seminar delivered at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 18, 2009.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Importance of Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Pipes for Industrial Applications,” Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Process Integration, Modeling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES’08), Prague, Czech Republic, August 24-28, 2008.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Recent Advances in Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Pipes,” Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (HEAT 2008), Bialystok, Poland, June 30 – July 3, 2008.
Ghajar, A. J., “Recent Advances in Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Pipes,” Invited Seminar delivered at the University of Oklahoma, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Norman, Oklahoma, October 18, 2007.
Ghajar, A. J., “Non-Boiling Heat Transfer in Gas-Liquid Flow in Pipes – A Tutorial,” Invited Tutorial, Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences (ENCIT 2004), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 29-December 03, 2004.
Ghajar, A. J., “Two-Phase Heat Transfer in Gas-Liquid Non-Boiling Pipe Flows,” Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2004), Cape Town, South Africa, June 21-24, 2004.
Ghajar, A. J., “Two-Phase Heat Transfer,” Invited Seminar delivered at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, June 18, 2004.
- Knovel Engineering Cases
Knovel Engineering Cases – where theory meets practice – tell the stories of engineers who have applied innovative theories and new technologies to both common and uncommon challenges.
Case 1: Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Correlating Heat Transfer with Pressure Drop for Nonboiling Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal, Inclined and Vertical Pipes”, 2010
Case 2: Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Practical Illustrations of Using A General Two-Phase Heat Transfer Correlation”, 2010
Case 3: Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Void Fraction Correlations for Vertical Upward Two-Phase Flow in Pipes”, 2011
Case 4: Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “General Void Fraction Correlation in Two-Phase Flow for Various Pipe Orientations”, 2011
Case 5: Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Estimations of Heat Transfer in Nonboiling Two-Phase Flow with a General Correlation”, 2011
Case 6: Ghajar, A. J. and Bhagwat, S. M., “Recommended Void Fraction Correlations for Vertical Upward and Downward Two-Phase Flow in Pipes”, 2012.
- Selected Archival Publications
Mohagheghian, S., Ghajar, A. J., and Elbing, B. R., “Effect of Vertical Vibration on the Mixing Time of a Passive Scalar in a Sparged Bubble Column Reactor”, Fluids, Vol. 5, No. 1, Paper 6 (18 pages), 2020.
H. K. Tam, L. M. Tam, A. J. Ghajar, Q. Wang, X. W. Chen, and W. C. Lei, “Experimental Investigation of Single-Phase Heat Transfer in Horizontal Mini-Tubes with Different Bending Inlets”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT2019), Novosibirsk, Russia, August 13-16, 2019.
Mohagheghian, S., Still, A.L., Elbing, B. R., and Ghajar, A. J., “Study of Bubble Size, Void Fraction, and Mass Transport in a Bubble Column under High Amplitude Vibration,” ChemEngineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, Paper 16 (25 pages), 2018.Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Experimental Investigation of Non-Boiling Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow in Downward Inclined Pipes,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 89, pp. 219-237, 2017.
Tam, H. K, Lap-Mou Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., and Wang, Q., “Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Mini-Tube with Three Different Inlet Configurations,” Proceedings of the 2nd Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference (TFEC2017) and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT2017), Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), April 2‑5, 2017.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., and Chen, I. P., “Experimental Study of the Ultrasonic Effect on Heat Transfer inside a Horizontal Mini-Tube in the Laminar Region,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 114, pp. 1300-1308, 2017.
Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Experimental Investigation of Non-Boiling Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow in Upward Inclined Pipes,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 79, pp. 301-318, 2016.
Elbing, B. R., Still, A. L., and Ghajar, A. J., “Review of Bubble Column Reactors with Vibration,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 55, pp. 385-403, 2016.
Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Effect of Pipe Surface Roughness on Frictional Pressure Drop in Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flows,” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2016), Malaga, Costa del Sol, Spain, July 11-13, 2016.
Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Measurements of Void Fraction, Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Horizontal and Downward Inclined Gas-Liquid Stratified Flow,” Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF-2016), Florence, Italy, May 22‑27, 2016.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bhagwat, S. M., “Modified Liquid Entrainment Fraction Correlation for Varying Pipe Orientations and System Pressures,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 74, pp.1–4, 2015.
Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “An Empirical Model to Predict the Transition between Stratified and Non-Stratified Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow in Horizontal and Downward Inclined Pipes”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 18, pp. 1485-1494, 2015.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Kuok, C. F., and Sun, C., “Experimental Investigation for the Forced and Mixed Convection Heat Transfer inside the Macro- and Mini-tubes,” Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT2015), Taipei, Taiwan, October 16‑19, 2015.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., and Chen, I. P., “Experimental Study of Ultrasonic Effect on Heat Transfer Inside a Horizontal Mini-Tube in the Laminar Region,” Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT2015), Taipei, Taiwan, October 16‑19, 2015.
Korivi, R. N. K., Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Heat Transfer Measurements and Correlations Assessment for Upward Inclined Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow,” Proceedings of the 1st Thermal and Fluid Engineering Summer Conference, TFESC, New York City, New York, August 9-12, 2015.
John, T. J., Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Heat Transfer Measurements and Correlations Assessment for Downward Inclined Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow,” Proceedings of the 1st Thermal and Fluid Engineering Summer Conference, TFESC, New York City, New York, August 9-12, 2015.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bhagwat, S. M., “Non-Boiling Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow Phenomenon in Near Horizontal Upward and Downward Inclined Pipe Orientations,” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 1039-1053, 2014.
Tam, L. M., Tam, H. K., Ghajar, A. J., Ng, W. S., and Wu, C. K., “The Effect of Inner Surface Roughness and Heating on Friction Factor in Horizontal Mini-Tubes,” Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15, Kyoto, Japan. August 10-15, 2014.
Hossainy, T. A., Bhagwat, S. M., and Ghajar, A. J., “Non-Boiling Heat transfer in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Downward Inclined Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2014), Orlando, Florida, July 14-16, 2014.
Kalapatapu, S., Bhagwat, S. M., Oyewole, A. L., and Ghajar, A. J., “Non-Boiling Heat transfer in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Upward Inclined Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2014), Orlando, Florida, July 14-16, 2014.
Cai, S., Cremaschi, L. and Ghajar, A. J., “Pipe Insulation Thermal Conductivity under Dry and Wet Condensing Conditions with Moisture Ingress: A Critical Review,” HVAC&R Research, Vol. 20, pp. 458-479, 2014.
Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “A Flow Pattern Independent Drift Flux Model Based Void Fraction Correlation for a Wide Range of Gas–Liquid Two Phase Flow,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 59, pp.186–205, 2014.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Fu, P. H., and Sun, C., “Correlating Isothermal Friction Factor Data for Micro-fin Tubes Using Logistic Does Response Curve Fitting Method,” Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 11‑12, pp. 996-1006, 2014.
Still, A. L., Ghajar, A. J., and O’Hern, T. J., “Effect of Amplitude on Mass Transport, Void Fraction and Bubble Size in a Vertically Vibrating Liquid-Gas Bubble Column Reactor”, Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting (FEDSM2013), Incline Village, Nevada, July 7-11, 2013.
Tang, C. C., Tiwari, S., and Ghajar, A. J., “Effect of Void Fraction on Pressure Drop in Upward Vertical Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow,” ASME Journal of Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 135, pp. 022901-1- 022901-7, 2013.
Ghajar, A.J. and Bhagwat, S. M., “Effect of Void Fraction and Two-Phase Dynamic Viscosity Models on Prediction of Hydrostatic and Frictional Pressure Drop in Vertical Upward Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow,” Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 13, pp. 1044-1059, 2013.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., and Ghajar, A. J., “Effect of Inlet Geometries and Heating on the Entrance and Fully-Developed Friction Factors in the Laminar and Transition Regions of a Horizontal Tube,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 44, pp. 680-696, 2013 (DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2012.09.008).
Cremaschi, L., Cai, S., Worthington, K. M., and Ghajar, A. J., "Measurements of Pipe Insulation Thermal Conductivity at Below Ambient Temperatures Part 1: Experimental Methodology and Dry Tests", ASHRAE Transactions, CH-12-030 (RP-1356), Vol. 118, Part 1, pp. 1061-1076, 2012. Winner of the ASHRAE “2012 Poster Presentation Award”.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Tam, S. C., and Zhang, T., “Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer, Friction Factor, and Optimal Fin Geometries for the Internally Microfin Tubes in the Transition and Turbulent Regions,” Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 457-476, 2012.
Cai, S., Cremaschi, L., and Ghajar, A. J., “Moisture Accumulation and Its Impact on the Thermal Performance of Pipe Insulation for Chilled Water Pipes in High Performance Buildings”, Proceedings of the 2nd International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, Indiana, July 16-19, 2012.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Sun, C., and Lai, W. K., “Experimental Investigation of Single-Phase Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Micro-Fin Tube with Three Different Inlet Configuration”, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (HT2012), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-12, 2012.
Bhagwat, S. M., Mollamahmutoglu, M., and Ghajar, A. J., “Experimental Investigation and Empirical Analysis of Non-Boiling Gas-Liquid Two Phase Heat Transfer in Vertical Downward Pipe Orientation”, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (HT2012), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-12, 2012.
Bhagwat, S. M., Mollamahmutoglu, M., and Ghajar, A. J., “Experimental Investigation and Performance Evaluation of Isothermal Frictional Two Phase Pressure Drop Correlations in Vertical Downward Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow”, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (HT2012), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-12, 2012.
Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Flow Pattern and Pipe Orientation Independent Semi-Empirical Void Fraction Correlation for a Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Based on the Concept of Drift Flux Model”, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (HT2012), Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-12, 2012.
Bhagwat, S. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Similarities and Differences in the Flow Patterns and Void Fraction in Vertical Upward and Downward Two Phase Flow”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 39, pp. 213-227, 2012. (DOI:10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2012.01.026)
Cremaschi, L., Cai, S., Worthington, K. M., and Ghajar, A. J., "Measurements of Pipe Insulation Thermal Conductivity at Below Ambient Temperatures Part 1: Experimental Methodology and Dry Tests", ASHRAE Transactions, CH-12-030 (RP-1356), Vol. 118, Part 1, pp. 1061-1076, 2012.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Fu, P. H., and Cheong, S.,“Development of Friction Factor Correlations for Single-phase Flow in Micro-Fin Tube using Logistic Does Curve Fitting Method”, Proceedings of ISHTEC2012, the 4th International Symposium on Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Paper No. TC02-012, pp. 81-84, Guangzhou, China, January 6-9, 2012.
Tam, L. M., Tam, H. K., Ghajar, A. J., and Ng, W. S., “Heat Transfer Measurements for a Horizontal Micro-Tube Using Liquid Crystal Thermography”, Proceedings of ISHTEC2012, the 4th International Symposium on Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Paper No. TC02-007, pp. 62-66, Guangzhou, China, January 6-9, 2012.
Tam, H.K., Tam, L. M., Tam, S. C., Chio, C. H., Ghajar, A. J., “New Optimization Method, the Algorithms of Changes, for Heat Exchanger Design”, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 55-62, 2012. (DOI: 10.3901/CJME.2012.01)
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Tam, S. C., and Zhang, T., “Use of Algorithms of Changes for Optimal Fin Geometries of the Internally Micro-fin Tubes in the Turbulent Region”, Proceedings of 2011 International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control (IWHT2011), Xi’an, China, October 17-20, 2011.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Ng, W. S., Wong, I. W., Leong, K. F., and Wu, C. K., “The Effect of Inner Surface Roughness and Heating on Friction Factor in Horizontal Micro-Tubes”, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011(AJK2011-FED), Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, July 24-29, 2011.Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Sun, C., and Leung, H. Y., “Experimental Investigation of the Single-Phase Friction Factor and Heat Transfer Inside the Horizontal Internally Micro-Fin Tubes in the Transition Region”, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011(AJK2011-FED), Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, July 24-29, 2011.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., and Ghajar, A. J., “Heat Transfer Correlation for Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Pipes Using Support Vector Machines”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 11-12, pp. 1047-1052, 2011.
Godbole, P. V., Tang, C. C., Ghajar, A. J., “Comparison of Void Fraction Correlations for Different Flow Patterns in Upward Vertical Two-phase Flow”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp. 843-860, 2011.
Bhagwat, S.M. and Ghajar, A.J., “Flow Patterns and Void Fraction in Downward Two Phase Flow”, Proceedings of the ASME Early Career Technical Conference (2011ECTC), Fayetteville, Arkansas, March 31-April 2, 2011.
Tang, C. C. and Ghajar, A. J., “A Mechanistic Heat Transfer Correlation for Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal, Inclined and Vertical Pipes”, Proceedings of ASME/JSME 2011(AJTE2011) 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14-17, 2011.
Tam, L. M., Tam, H. K. and Ghajar, A. J., “Simultaneous Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Measurements for a Horizontal Micro-Tube”, Proceedings of ASME/JSME 2011(AJTE2011) 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14-17, 2011.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Experimental Analysis of the Single-Phase Heat Transfer and Friction Factor inside the Horizontally Micro-Fin Tube”, Proceedings of ASME/JSME 2011(AJTE2011) 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14-17, 2011.
Ghajar, A. J., Tam, L. M., Tam, H. K., and Wen, Q., “The Effect of Inner Surface Roughness on Friction Factor in Horizontal Micro-tubes”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2010), Vol. 1, pp. 59-63, Kyoto, Japan, August 1-3, 2010.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., and Chu, W. W., “Experimental Analysis of the Single-Phase Heat Transfer and Friction Factor inside the Horizontal Internally Micro-Fin Tube”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2010), Vol. 1, pp. 44-48, Kyoto, Japan, August 1-3, 2010.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Void Fraction and Flow Patterns of Two-phase Gas-Liquid Flow in Various Pipe Inclinations”, Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (HEFAT 2010), pp. 115-129, Antalya, Turkey, July 19-21, 2010.
Yeunyongkul, P., Sakulchangsatjatai, P., and Ghajar, A. J., “Experimental Investigation of Closed Loop Oscillating Heat Pipe as the Condenser for Vapor Compression Refrigeration”, Proceedings of the 13th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, Paper # 2102 (8 pages), West Lafayette, Indiana, July 12-15, 2010.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Importance of Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Pipes for Industrial Applications”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 711-732, 2010.
Ghajar, A. J., Tang, C. C., and Cook, W. L., “Experimental Investigation of Friction Factor in the Transition Region for Water Flow in Minitubes and Microtubes”, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 646-657, 2010.
Tang, C. C. and Ghajar, A. J., “A Mechanistic Approach for Heat Transfer Estimation in Horizontal and Vertical Non-Boiling Two-Phase Pipe Flow,” Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 18, pp. 123-128, 2009. (DOI: 10.3303/CET0918018)
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., and Cheong, C. W., “Development of a Unified Flow Regime Map for a Horizontal Pipe with the Support Vector Machines”, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM II) and 12th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC XII), Hong Kong – Macau, China, November 30-December 3, 2009.
Tam, H. K., Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., and Lei, C. U., “Comparison of Different Correlating Methods for the Single-Phase Heat Transfer Data in Laminar and Turbulent Flow Regions”, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM II) and 12th International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC XII), Hong Kong – Macau, China, November 30-December 3, 2009
Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Tam, H. K., “Contribution Analysis of Dimensionless Variables for Laminar and Turbulent Flow Convection Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Tube Using Artificial Neural Network,” Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 793-804, 2008.
Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Tam, H. K., and Tam, S. C., “Development of a Heat Transfer Correlation for the Transitional Flow in a Horizontal Tube using Support Vector Machines,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, August 10-14, 2008.
Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., Tam, H. K., and Tam, S. C., “Development of a Flow Regime Map for a Horizontal Pipe with the Multi-Classification Support Vector Machines,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, August 10-14, 2008.
Tang, C. C. and Ghajar, A. J., “Validation of a General Heat Transfer Correlation for Non-Boling Two-Phase Flow with Different Flow Patterns and Pipe Inclination Angles,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 8-12, 2007.
Tam, L. M., Tam, H. K., Ghajar, A. J., and Tam, S. C., “Factor Analysis for Forced and Mixed Convection Laminar Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Tube Using Artificial Neural Network,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 8-12, 2007.
Krishnamoorthy, C., Rao, R. P., and Ghajar, A. J., “Single-Phase Heat Transfer in Micro-Tubes: A Critical Review,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 8-12, 2007.
Krishnamoorthy, C. and Ghajar, A. J., “Single-Phase Friction Factor in Micro-Tubes: A Critical Review of Measurements, Instrumentation and Data Reduction Techniques from 1991-2006,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, June 18-20, Puebla, Mexico, 2007.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tang, C. C., “Heat Transfer Measurements, Flow Pattern Maps and Flow Visualization for Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal and Slightly Inclined Pipe,” Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 525-540, 2007.
Woldesemayat, M. A. and Ghajar, A. J., “Comparison of Void Fraction Correlations for Different Flow Patterns in Horizontal and Upward Inclined Pipes,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 347-370, 2007.
Tam, H. K., Tam, S. C., Ghajar, A. J., and Tam, L. M., “Factor Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer for a Horizontal Tube in the Turbulent Flow Region Using Artificial Neural Network,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC X), August 21-23, Sanya, Hainan, China, 2006.
Ghajar, A. J. Kim, J., and Tang, C., “Two-phase Flow Heat Transfer Measurements and Correlation for the Entire Flow Map in Horizontal Pipes,” Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Heat Transfer Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 13-18, 2006.
Ghajar, A. J., Delahoussaye, R. D., and Al-Matar, H., “Development and Implementation of Interactive/Visual Software for Steady State and Transient Heat Conduction Problems,” Proceedings of the 2006 American Society of Engineering Education Annular Conference and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, June 18-21, 2006.
Kim, J. and Ghajar, A. J., “A General Heat Transfer Correlation for Non-Boiling Gas-Liquid Flow with Different Flow Patterns in Horizontal Pipes,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 447-465, 2006.
Tam, L. M. and Ghajar, A. J., “Transitional Heat Transfer in Plain Horizontal Tubes,” Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 23-38, 2006.
Kim, J., Ghajar, A. J., Tang, C., and Foutch, G. L., “Comparison of Near-Wall Treatment Methods for High Reynolds Number Backward-Facing Step Flow”, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 493-500, 2005.
Ghajar, A. J., “Non-Boiling Heat Transfer in Gas-Liquid Flow in Pipes – A Tutorial,” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, pp. 46-73, 2005.
Ghajar, A. J. and Kim, J., “A Non-Boiling Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer Correlation for Different Flow Patterns and Pipe Inclination Angles,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, California, July 17-22, 2005.
Ghajar, A. J., Delahoussaye, R. D., and Nayak, V. V., “Development and Implementation of Interactive/Visual Software for Simple Aircraft Gas Turbine Design,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society of Engineering Education Annular Conference and Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 12-15, 2005.
Ghajar, A. J., Tam, L. M., and Tam, S. K., “Improved Heat Transfer Correlation in the Transition Region for a Circular Tube with Three Inlet Configurations Using Artificial Neural Networks,” Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 30-40, 2004.
Sofyan, Y., Ghajar, A. J., and Gasem, K. A. M., “Multiphase Equilibrium Calculations Using Gibbs Minimization Techniques,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 42, No. 16, pp. 3786-3801, 2003.
Ghajar, A. J., Tam, L. M., and Tam, H. K., 2003 “Heat Transfer Correlation for Two Phase Flow in Vertical Pipes Using Artificial Neural Network,” Proceedings of 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and R&D Expo, November 15-21, 2003,Washington, D.C.
Ghajar, A. J., Tam, L. M., and Tam, S.C., 2003 “A Simple Heat Transfer Correlation for Three Inlet Configurations Using Artificial Neural Network in the Complex Transition Flow Regime,” Proceedings of the 2003 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 21-23, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Sofyan, Y., Ghajar, A. J., and Gasem, K. A. M., “A Systematic Method to Predict Cloud Point Temperature and Solid Precipitation,” Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol. 21, Nos. 3 & 4, pp.409-424, 2003.
Ghajar, A. J., Tam, L. M., and Tam, S. K., “A New Heat Transfer Correlation in the Transition Region for a Horizontal Pipe with a Reentrant Inlet – Using Artificial Neural Network,” Heat Transfer 2002, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Heat Transfer Conference, Elsevier, pp. 189-194, 2002.
Kim, D. and Ghajar, A. J., "Heat Transfer Measurements and Correlations for Air-Water Flow of Different Flow Patterns in a Horizontal Pipe," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 659-676, 2002.
Tam, L. M., Ghajar, A. J., and Pau, C. W., “Compressible Flow Software for Properties Calculations and Airfoil Analysis,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Enhancement and Promotion of Computing Methods for Engineering and Science (EPMESC’ VIII), editors L. Shaopei et al., July 25-28, Shanghai, China, 2001.
Kim, D., Ghajar, A. J., and Dougherty, R. L., "Robust Heat-Transfer Correlations for Turbulent Gas-Liquid Flow in Vertical Pipes," Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 574-578, 2000.
Whitelock, D. P., Brusewitz, G. H. and Ghajar, A. J., "Thermal/Physical Properties Affect Predicted Weight Loss of Fresh Peaches," Transactions of the ASAE, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 1047-1053, 1999.
Kim, D., Ghajar, A. J., Dougherty, R. L., and Ryali, V. K.,"Comparison of 20 Two-Phase Heat Transfer Correlations with Seven Sets of Experimental Data, Including Flow Pattern and Tube Inclination Effects," Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 15-40, 1999.
Tam, L. M. and Ghajar, A. J., "The Unusual Behavior of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Circular Tube with a Bell-Mouth Inlet," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 187-194, 1998.
Tam, L. M. and Ghajar, A. J., "Effect of Inlet Geometry and Heating on the Fully Developed Friction Factor in the Transition Region of a Horizontal Tube," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 52-64, 1997.
Tang, W. and Ghajar, A. J., "Experimental Study of Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Channel with Discrete Heated Cubic Blocks," Thermal Management of Hand-Held, Wearable, and Portable Electronics, eds. C. H. Amon et al., ASME, HTD-Vol. 343, pp. 91-102, 1997.
Cutbirth, J. M. and Ghajar, A. J., "Thermal and Hydraulic Analysis of a High Flux Heat Exchanger," Thermal Management of Commercial and Military Electronics, eds. R. Schmidt et al. ASME, HTD-Vol. 329, pp. 187-196, 1996.
Arabzadeh, M., Kim, D. and Ghajar, A. J., "Experimental Study of Geometric Effects on Forced Air-Cooling of Regular In-Line Array of Electronic Components," Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, eds. L.S. Fletcher and T. Aihara, ASME, Vol. 4, pp. 231-239, 1995.
Ghajar, A. J., Tang, W. C. and Beam, J. E., "Methodology for Comparison of Hydraulic and Thermal Performance of Alternative Heat Transfer Fluids in Complex Systems," Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 60-72, 1995.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tam, L. M., "Flow Regime Map for a Horizontal Pipe with Uniform Heat Flux and Three Different Inlet Configurations," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 287-297, 1995.
Bang, K., Ghajar, A. J. and Komanduri, R., "The Effect of Substrate Surface Temperature on the Morphology and Quality of Diamond Films Produced by the Oxy-Acetylene Combustion Method," Thin Solid Films, Vol. 238, pp. 172-183, February 1994.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tam, L. M., "Heat Transfer Measurements and Correlations in the Transition Region for a Circular Tube with Three Different Inlet Configurations," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 79-90, 1994.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bang, K., "Parametric Effects on the Substrate Temperature Profile in Oxy-Acetylene Flames," Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 48-59, 1993.
Ghajar, A. J. and Bang, K., "Experimental and Analytical Studies of Different Methods for Producing Stratified Flows," Energy – The International Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 323-334, 1993.
Arabzadeh, M., Ogden, E. L. and Ghajar, A. J., "Conduction Heat Transfer Measurements for an Array of Surface Mounted Heated Components," Enhanced Cooling Technologies for Electronics Applications, eds. S. V. Garimella, et al., ASME, HTD-Vol. 263, pp. 69-78, 1993.
Ghajar, A. J. and Madon, K. F., "Pressure Drop Measurements in the Transition Region for a Circular Tube with Different Inlet Configurations," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 129-135, 1992.
Abu-Hamdan, M. G., Zurigat, Y. H. and Ghajar, A. J., "An Experimental Study of a Stratified Thermal Storage Under Variable Inlet Temperature for Different Inlet Designs," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 1927-1934, 1992.
Zurigat, Y. H., Liche, P. R. and Ghajar, A. J., "Influence of Inlet Geometry on Mixing in Thermocline Thermal Energy Storage," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 115-125, 1991.
Ghajar, A. J. and Zurigat, Y. H., "Microcomputer-Assisted Heat Transfer Measurements/Analysis in a Circular Tube," International Journal of Applied Engineering Education, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 125-134, 1991.
Ghajar, A. J. and Zurigat, Y. H., "Numerical Study of the Effect of Inlet Geometry on Stratification in Thermal Energy Storage," Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 65-83, 1991.
Wang, Y. and Ghajar, A. J., "Effect of Component Geometry and Layout on Flow Distribution for Surface Mounted Electronic Components: A Smoke Flow Visualization Study," Heat Transfer Enhancement in Electronics Cooling, eds. S. H. Bhavnani and M. Greiner, ASME, HTD-Vol. 183, pp. 25-31, 1991.
Zurigat, Y. H. and Ghajar, A. J., "Comparative Study of Weighted Upwind and Second Order Upwind Difference Schemes," Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 61-79, 1990.
Zurigat, Y. H., Bang, K. and Ghajar, A. J., "Methods for Producing Linear Density Gradients in Laboratory Tanks," Energy - The International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 23-34, 1990.
Ghajar, A. J. and Raza, K., "Mass Transfer Analogy for Heat Transfer Experiments in Thermal Storage," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 79-91, 1990.
Zurigat, Y. H., Maloney, K. J. and Ghajar, A. J., "A Comparison Study of One-Dimensional Models for Stratified Thermal Storage Tanks," ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 111, No. 3, pp. 204-210, 1989.
Ghajar, A. J. and Yoon, H. K., "A Heat Transfer Correlation for Viscoelastic Turbulent Pipe Flows," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 78, pp. 167-177, 1989.
Toh, K. H. and Ghajar, A. J., "Heat Transfer in Thermal Entrance Region for Viscoelastic Fluids in Turbulent Pipe Flows," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 1261-1267, 1988.
Zurigat, Y. H., Ghajar, A. J. and Moretti, P. M., "Stratified Thermal Storage Tank Inlet Mixing Characterization," Applied Energy, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 99-111, 1988.
Ghajar, A. J. and Azar, M. Y., "Empirical Correlations for Friction Factor in Drag-Reducing Turbulent Pipe Flows," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 705-718, 1988.
Yoon, H. K. and Ghajar, A. J., "Heat Eddy Diffusivity for Viscoelastic Turbulent Pipe Flows," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 237-249, 1987.
Yoon, H. K. and Ghajar, A. J., "A Note on the Powell-Eyring Fluid Model," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 381-390, 1987.
Jakobsson, H. Th. and Ghajar, A. J., "Numerical Solutions of Heat Conduction and Simple Fluid Flow Problems," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 67-79, 1987.
Ghajar, A. J. and Asadi, A., "Improved Forced Convective Heat Transfer Correlations for Liquids in the Near-Critical Region," AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp. 2030-2037, 1986.
Zurigat, Y. H. and Ghajar, A. J., "Computer Simulation of Woodstove Thermal Storage System," Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 165-173, 1986.
Oppel, F. J., Ghajar, A. J. and Moretti, P. M., "A Numerical and Experimental Study of Stratified Thermal Storage," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 92 (part 2), pp. 293-309, 1986.
Oppel, F. J., Ghajar, A. J. and Moretti, P. M., "Computer Simulation of Stratified Heat Storage," Applied Energy, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 205-224, 1986.
Yoon, H. K. and Ghajar, A. J., "A New Heat Eddy Diffusivity Equation for Calculation of Heat Transfer to Drag Reducing Turbulent Pipe Flows," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 449-464, 1986.
Asgeirsson, L. S. and Ghajar, A. J., "Prediction of Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity for Some Fluids in the Near-Critical Region," Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 43, Nos. 1-3, pp. 165-184, 1986.
Kanchanalakshana, D. and Ghajar, A. J., "An Improved Falling Sphere Viscometer for Intermediate Concentrations of Viscoelastic Fluids," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 219-233, 1986.
Maxwell, M. J. and Ghajar, A. J., "Laminar Forced Convective Heat Transfer with Varying Properties in the Entrance Region of Flat Rectangular Ducts," Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 31-38, 1985.
Ghorbani-Tari, S. and Ghajar, A. J., "Improved Free Convective Heat Transfer Correlations in the Near-Critical Region," AIAA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp. 1647-1649, 1985.
Pilcher, K. R. and Ghajar, A. J., "Thermal Storage Mass Enhances Woodstove Combustion and Reduces Pollution," Energy - The International Journal, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 1151-1157, 1985.
Yoon, H. K. and Ghajar, A. J., "An Analysis of the Heat Transfer to Drag Reducing Turbulent Pipe Flows," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 898-900, 1984.
Ghajar, A. J. and Parker, J. D., "Reference Temperatures for Supercritical Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Flat Plate," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 103, No. 4, pp. 613-616, 1981.
Ghajar, A. J. and Parker, J. D., "Laminar-Free Convection in the Supercritical Region with Variable Properties," In the Proceedings of the 1980 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, eds. M. Gerstein and P. R. Choudhury, Stanford University Press, pp. 196-208, 1980.
Ghajar, A. J. and Tiederman, W. G., "Prediction of Heat Transfer Coefficients in Drag Reducing Turbulent Pipe Flows," AIChE Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 128-131, 1977.