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USRI is proud to partner with Boeing to provide opportunities to students from all over Oklahoma. Through this partnership, USRI hopes to make an impact and reach Oklahoma students and increase the accessibility of the Aerospace industry to all. Learn more about our partnership here.

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Summer 2020 Interns

Our 2020 intern team was smaller, but these students worked with the COVID restrictions and were able to successfully design and build a maritime sUAS.
Interns: Hunter Brenner, Samuel Glenn, Damarrius Hurte, Noah Ropp, Owen Sanders
High school summer interns posing with their completed project.

Summer 2019 Interns

Interns worked on an array of projects, including monitoring the growth of an invasive plant species at Lake Carl Blackwell, and successfully designing and building an inflatable wing for aircraft.
Interns: Omar Abouzahr, Alex Booker, Meghana Fathepure, Eric Gutierrez, Tim Nelsen, Daniel Tikalsky, Nicco Wang
The summer 2019 high school student interns working on a flight project.