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W.W. Allen Boys and Girls Club Scholars Program

Priority Deadline: February 1



The W.W. Allen Boys and Girls Club Scholars Program (BGC Scholars) at OSU awards an incoming freshman  for up to four years of study toward a BS degree in engineering. This includes  an annual CEAT Scholarship of $15,000. Additionally, each scholar will participate in funded enrichment, travel, and networking opportunities. While only one student is selected each year, we include this student in our CEAT Scholar program community!

Program Requirements

  • Preference given to students with at least a 3.0, active Boys and Girls Club member and/or volunteer, and demonstrated leadership. Must submit additional essay questions on the student application portal and interview.


  • To accelerate professional & leadership development; stimulate intellectual growth; develop career awareness & cultural perspectives; develop interpersonal skills.
  • To provide financial enrichment to students actively involved in local Boys and Girls Clubs, who desire to pursue a career in the engineering industry.

Scholarship Benefits

  • CEAT Scholarship awards in the amount of $15,000 annually
  • Admitted into the CEAT Scholars Program
  • 10-12 day International tour of industrial and cultural sites
  • Participation in designated leadership and teamwork development activities