Research Experience for Teachers
Semiconductor Education in Oklahoma
Chip Design Experience
The NSF Research Experience for Teachers (RET) is a year-long program for Stillwater
and neighboring area high school and community college teachers (Grades 9-14). This
RET includes a 6-week summer internship on semiconductors and chip design at Oklahoma
State University. Participants must also translate their research experience into
new curriculum modules.
What you will experience
Teachers will translate their research experience into inquiry-based semiconductor curricula in grades 9-14. The objectives of the RET project follow:
- Develop teacher's knowledge in semiconductors
- Create innovative semiconductor curricula at grade 9-14 level
- Build a long-term sustainable relationship between OSU, Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance (TRSA), participating school districts and community colleges to increase student interests and stimulate semiconductor education in Oklahoma
- Internship Benefits
- $8,000 Stipend *Does not apply to OSU employees
- Up to $2,000 of additional awards upon meeting program criteria
- 6-week internship in an integrated circuit (IC) design laboratory to learn about semiconductors and chip design fundamentals
- Support in developing inquiry-based, culturally relevant pedagogy and lesson plans
- Network with fellow STEM teachers
- Opportunity to earn a free trip to Washington, DC, to present your work
- Eligibility
- Current STEM teachers in high school or community college
- No prior knowledge of chip design is required
Applications are due on March 31, 2025.
*Save this page for future RET opportunities.
Program Dates and Location:
Period 1: June 2 - July 11, 2025
Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
*Hybrid format: In person and Zoom
Oklahoma State University
215 N Hester Street
Stillwater, OK 74078
National Science Foundation
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
NSF WebsiteContact Information:
John Hu
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering