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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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CEAT Discovery Days

The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology (CEAT) Discovery Days provides High School Students the opportunity to explore various engineering disciplines through activities and presentations. The discovery days are held on Fridays in June and July from 8:30am - 4:30pm at the OSU Stillwater Campus.


steam discovery days


Camps - Registration coming end of March 2025!

Various disciplines are:



Civil and Environmental Engineering
Construction Engineering Technology


Biosystems Engineering

Chemical Engineering


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Technology


Architecture Engineering


Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering Technology/Mechatronics and Robotics


Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology
Industrial Engineering and Management


Includes lunch and a t-shirt.

Space is limited to 30 students per session.


$30 per student for a single day.

$120 per student for all 6 days at a discount.



*Registration will close Tuesday prior to each Discovery Day session.

*Information email will be sent out Wednesday prior to the Discovery Day which they are registered for. 


Required Forms 

All four forms should be filled out and brought with the student to their first Discovery Day or emailed to our email below prior to their attendance. 


(405) 744-2446