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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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CEAT Student Council 

Senator Application - Fall 2022

CEAT Senators are a representative voice of the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology's student body at Oklahoma State University. Senators are responsible for attending weekly SGA Senate meetings and four CEAT Student Council meetings per semester. CEAT Senators are also expected to interact with CEAT Student Council and the CEAT student body by attending and/or volunteering at CEAT events throughout the year.


▪ Applicants must be students at Oklahoma State University in the College of Engineering, Architecture,
and Technology.
▪ Applicants must be able to attend weekly SGA Senate meetings.
▪ Applicants must be able to attend four of the bimonthly CEAT Student Council meetings (Thursday evenings)

This application must be completed by Friday, September 16th at 11:59 pm. Late applications will not be accepted. Applicants selected to interview will be notified by the evening of Wednesday, September 21st, after applications are processed. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 23rd, and Monday, September 26th.