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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Discover Architecture

DISCOVER ARCHITECTURE is a summer workshop held at the Oklahoma State University School of Architecture in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The workshop is open to high school students who are interested in exploring careers in architecture and architectural engineering. Through a series of hands-on design projects students get firsthand experience with the architectural design process; allowing students to determine if pursuing a degree and career in architecture or architectural engineering is for them.


Discover Architecture serves as an immersive introduction to architecture and architectural engineering for students considering college studies and future jobs in these disciplines.


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Required Equipment

To participate effectively, students must bring a laptop with Windows 10, a 64-bit Intel processor, and at least 8GB of memory.  Other items needed for the projects will be provided.
Students must have permission to download required programs.

Workshop Fee


This is a residential workshop. The workshop fee includes the cost of meals and the dorm room.