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Clint P. Aichele

Associate ProfessorClint P. Aichele
Lew Ward Faculty Fellow
School of Chemical Engineering
Oklahoma State University
Academic Background
Ph.D. - Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Rice University, 2009
B.S. - Chemical Engineering
Oklahoma State University, 2004
Contact Information
linkedin public profile
420 Engineering North
Stillwater, OK 74078


Dr. Aichele's industrial career includes three internships and three years of full time employment in the energy industry. Dr. Aichele's three internships gave him experience across a variety of sectors in the energy industry ranging from facilities engineering in Alaska to research and development in the area of flow assurance. For three years at ConocoPhillips, Dr. Aichele focused on developing gas treating strategies for both natural gas and flue gas applications. His laboratory research focused on the development of solvents for the aqueous amine absorption process, as well as the innovation of novel membranes for gas treating.


By leveraging his industrial experience and resources at OSU, Dr. Aichele will continue to pioneer developments in the areas of dispersion characterization in flowing systems for emulsion and hydrate applications. He is developing new techniques for these systems that include acoustics and visualization. Sprays and aerosols are also of interest to Dr. Aichele, and he is utilizing phase doppler interferometry to interrogate these systems. Dr. Aichele works closely with FRI in the area of mass transfer and separations. Most recently, Dr. Aichele's group is developing new techniques to stabilize proteins and understand their interaction mechanisms with surfactants and polymers.


In his spare time, Dr. Aichele likes to hike, fish, hunt, and camp in the wilderness with his family.