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Amir Erfani

Monday, November 20 2017

Amir ErfaniAmir is currently a Ph.D. student in the School of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He holds M.S. and B.S degrees both in chemical engineering from Semnan University in Iran.  During his masters work, he performed research on different aspects of surface phenomena and gas hydrates such as hydrate inhibitors, hydrate formation promotion, and interfacial tension measurements.


Before joining as a Ph.D. student at OSU during Fall 2017, he worked for one of Iran’s largest Chlor-Alkali plants as the production supervisor for more than three years. Also his career includes an internship in Iran’s Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI).


His current research is related to interfacial phenomena and emulsions.


In his spare time, Amir Erfani likes to travel, hike, and camp.