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  • 2020
    1. Jiang Z. A shortcut minimum reflux calculation method for distillation columns separating multicomponent homogeneous azeotropic mixtures. Le Scientifique. 2020;2020(1):17–25.
      • Invited research article and featured in the inaugural issue of Le Scientifique
  • 2019
    1. Jiang Z, Chen Z, Huff J, Shenvi A, Tawarmalani M, Agrawal R. Global Minimization of Total Exergy
      Loss of Multicomponent Distillation Configurations. AIChE Journal. 2019;65(11):e16737
    2. Jiang Z, Mathew TJ, Huff J, Nallasivam U, Tawarmalani M, Agrawal R. Global optimization of multicomponent distillation configurations: Global minimization of total cost for multicomponent mixture
      separations. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2019;126:249–262
    3. Jiang Z, Agrawal R. Process intensification in multicomponent distillation: A review of recent advancements. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2019;147:122–145.
      • Invited review article in the special issue on 11th International Conference on Distillation & Absorption
  • 2018
    1. Jiang Z, Madenoor Ramapriya G, Tawarmalani M, Agrawal R. Process Intensification in Multicomponent Distillation. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2018;69:841–846
    2. Jiang Z, Madenoor Ramapriya G, Tawarmalani M, Agrawal R. Minimum energy of multicomponent
      distillation systems using minimum additional heat and mass integration sections. AIChE Journal.
  • 2013
    1. Agrawal KV, Topuz B, Jiang Z, Nguenkam K, Elyassi B, Francis LF, Tsapatsis M, Navarro M. Solutionprocessable exfoliated zeolite nanosheets purified by density gradient centrifugation. AIChE Journal.
      • Invited article in the special issue of AIChE Journal Founders Tribute to Neal R. Amundson