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About Dr.Andiappan



Contact Information:

Phone: 405-744-7041
Fax: 405-744-7041
Office: 420 Engineering Nort



  1. School of Chemical Engineering

  2. National Energy Solutions Institute (NESI)

  3. Bio based Products and Energy Center



PhD  2013
Chemical Engineering  
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
MSc 2007
Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India
BS 2005
Chemical Engineering
Anna University, Chennai, India 



Research Scientist (June 2013 – Aug 2016), Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, IN)



Undergraduate Courses : CHE 3013 , Rate Ops 1 ; Graduate Course : Catalysis and photocatalysis



  1. Co-Chair, AIChE conference session on “Photocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis”, AIChE Annual meeting (2017)

  2. Panel Reviewer, NSF CBET CATALYSIS Division (Dec 2016)

  3. Chair, AIChE conference session on “Catalysis for Pharmaceuticals and Fine chemicals”, AIChE Annual meeting (2017)

  4. Co-Chair, AIChE conference session on “Green Chemistry and Engineering”, AIChE Annual meeting (2017)

  5. Co-Chair, AIChE conference session on “Model Based Integrated Design of Pharmaceutical Processes”, AIChE Annual meeting (2017)

  6. Reviewer for more than 10 peer-reviewed journals

  7. Safety committee member (Jan. 2015 – Jul. 2016), Small Molecule Design and Development, Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis.

  8. Chemical process thermal hazards lab member (May 2014 – Dec. 2015), Small Molecule Design and Development, Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis. 


Recent Publication:

Mitigating the risk of co-precipitation of pinacol from telescoped Miyaura borylation and Suzuki couplings utilizing boron pinacol esters: Use of modeling for process design

Merritt. J, Marimuthu.A, Pietz. M, Richey.R, Sullivan.K, Kjell.D, Organic Process Research & Development, 2016, 20, 178-188.


Catalytic and photocatalytic transformations on metal nanoparticles with targeted geometric and plasmonic propertiesLinic.S, Christopher.P, Xin.H, Marimuthu. A, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2013, 46, 1890-1899.


Tuning selectivity in propylene epoxidation by plasmon mediated photo-switching of Cu oxidation stateMarimuthu. A, Zhang.J, Linic. S, Science, 2013, 339, 1590-1593.


Singular characteristics and unique chemical bond activation mechanisms of photocatalytic reactions on plasmonic nanostructuresChristopher.P, Xin. H, Marimuthu.A, Linic. S, Nature Materials, 2012, 11, 1044-1050. 


Design of plasmonic platforms for selective molecular sensing based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopyMarimuthu.A, Christopher.P, Linic. S , 2012, 116, 9824-9829. 


Enzymatic degradation of poly(soybean oil-g-methyl methacrylate)Vinu.R, Marimuthu.A, Madras. G, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2010, 30, 57-76.


Continuous distribution kinetics for microwave assisted oxidative degradation of poly(alkyl methacrylates)Marimuthu.A, Madras. G, AIChE Journal, 2008, 54, 2164-2173.


Photocatalytic oxidative degradation of poly(alkyl acrylates) with Nano TiO2Marimuthu.A, Madras.G, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008,    47, 2182-2190. 


Effect of oxidizers on microwave-assisted oxidative degradation of poly(alkyl acrylates)Marimuthu. A, Madras.G, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47, 7538-7544.


Selective catalytic reduction of NOx: Mechanistic perspectives on the role of base metal and noble metal ion substitutionRoy.S, Marimuthu. A, Deshpande. P.A, Hegde. M.S, Madras.G, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47, 9240-9247.


Low temperature NOx and N2O reduction by H2: Mechanism and development of new nano-catalystsRoy.S, Hegde.M.S., Sharma.S., Lalla. N.P, Marimuthu. A, Madras.G, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2008, 84, 341-350.


NO reduction by H2 over nano-Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-δRoy.S, Marimuthu. A, Hegde. M.S., Madras. G, Catalysis Communications, 2008, 9, 101-105.


High rates of NO and N2O reduction by CO, CO and hydrocarbon oxidation by O2 over nano crystalline  Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-δ: Catalytic and kinetic studiesRoy.S, Marimuthu. A, Hegde.M.S, Madras. G, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2007, 71, 23-31.


Effect of alkyl-group substituents on the degradation of poly(alkyl methacrylates) in supercritical fluidsMarimuthu.A, Madras. G, , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2007, 46, 15-21.


High rates of CO and hydrocarbon oxidation and NO reduction by CO over Ti0.99Pd0.01O1.99Roy.S, Marimuthu. A, Hegde.M.S, Madras. G, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2007, 73, 300-310.


Higher catalytic activity of nano-Ce1-x-yTixPdyO2-δ compared to nano-Ce1-xPdxO2-δ for CO oxidation and N2O and NO reduction by CO: Role of oxide ion vacancyBaidya. T, Marimuthu.A, Hegde. M.S, Ravishankar.N, Madras.G,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111, 830-839.


Recent Conference Presentations:

Dadgar, A. & Marimuthu, A. Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy as Platform for Characterization of Nano-metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions.ACS Spring 2017 Meet.San Franc.April 2017 


Marimuthu, A., McFarland, A., Fennell, J. “Model based approach to develop a ring-closure reaction with high product selectivity”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015. 


Marimuthu, A., Merritt, J., Vaidyaraman, S. “Model based approach to control pinacol precipitation risk in telescoped Miyaura borylation/Suzuki cross-coupling process”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015.


Marimuthu, A., Merritt, J., Brown, G., Kuehne-Willmore, J. “Strategy to avoid catalyst deactivation in telescoped Miyaura borylation/Suzuki cross-coupling reaction”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2014.


Marimuthu, A., Christopher, P., Xin, H., Linic, S. “Conversion of solar into chemical energy on plasmonic metal nanostructures”, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2013. 


Marimuthu, A., Linic, S. “Design of selective propylene epoxidation catalysts: Heterogeneous catalysis on optically excited plasmonic metal nanostructures”, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2013.


Marimuthu, A., Xin, H., Christopher, P., Linic, S. “Optically excited plasmonic metal nanostructures as selective direct propylene and ethylene epoxidation catalysts”, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2013.



Link to the University of Michigan press release on NSF news, Title: Light May Recast Copper As Chemical Industry "Holy Grail"


Chemistryworld, Royal Society of Chemistry, and Title: Copper catalysis sees the light


Chemical & Engineering News, American Chemical Society, Title: Illuminating Copper Prmotes Propylene Oxide Production.


Materials Research Society news, Title: Light Induces Reduction of Copper Catalyst under Steady-State Conditions.


physicstoday, American Institute of Physics, Title: Rust on nanoparticle catalyst reversed by high-intensity light.