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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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MET student and professor

MET Outcomes & Objectives

Program Educational Objectives

The Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) program at Oklahoma State University focuses on  preparing graduates so that they are able to productively contribute at their workplace after a short introductory period.  A few years after graduation, a graduate from the OSU MET program should be able to:

  • Employ the latest design and analysis tools in engineering and manufacturing.
  • Introduce new technologies and methods into their workplace to maximize value to their employer.
  • Work collaboratively in multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Demonstrate professionalism in the workplace by using the highest standards of ethics and personal integrity.
  • Be a life-long learner through participation and membership in professional organizations, continuation of professional/graduate studies, and/or self-study.

Student Outcomes

Students graduating from the MET program are expected to achieve the following:

  • an ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;
  • an ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;
  • an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and non-technical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature;
  • an ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes; and
  • an ability to function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams.


The Bachelor of Science program in Mechanical Engineering Technology is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Criteria.

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