Mechatronics Control and Health Monitoring Lab
EET 3104: Elements of Electricity and Electronics
This is an introductory electrical and electronics course for non-EET majors. Topics covered include DC and AC electrical circuits, electrical machines, solid-state devices, digital electronics, and the use of basic electronic instrumentation.
DC and AC Circuits
Introduction to electricity
Engineering units
Basic electrical quantities
Resistane and Ohm's law
Work, Power and Energy
Series and paralel circuits
Netwrok theorems
Electrostatics and capacitors
Electromagnetism and Inductor
AC Fundamentals
Complex numbers
AC circuits
Power in AC circuits
Polyphase AC
Introdcution to DC and AC Machine
Analog and Digital Electronics
Introduction to semiconductor theory
Semiconductor diode and its application
Transistor and amplifiers
Number systems
Logic gates and boolean algebra
Analog to digital conversion
Data acquisition