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Selected Publications

  • Ceramic Composites
    1. R.N. Singh and S.K. Reddy, “Influence of Residual Stresses, Interface Roughness, and Fiber Coatings on Interfacial Properties in Ceramic Composites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 79(1), 137-147 (1996).
    2. S. Kumaria, S. Kumar, and R.N. Singh “The First Matrix Cracking Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites,” Acta Materialia, 45[12], 5177-5185 (1997).
    3. Y. Sun and R.N. Singh, “The Generation of Multiple Matrix Cracking and Fiber-Matrix Interfacial Debonding in a Glass Composite,” Acta Materialia, 46[5], 1657-1667 (1998).
    4. Y. Sun and R.N. Singh, “Determination of Fiber Bridging Stress Profile By Debond Length Measurement,” Acta Materialia, 48, 3607-3619 (2000).
    5.  Y.L. Wang, U. Anandkumar, and R.N. Singh, “Effect of Fiber Bridging Stress on the Fracture Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 83[3], 1207-14 (2000).
    6. U. Anandkumar, S. Kumar, and R. N. Singh, “First Matrix Cracking Behavior of Ceramic Composites at Elevated Temperatures,” Acta Materialia, 47[12], 3339-3352 (1999).
    7. K.L. Luthra, R.N. Singh, and M.K. Brun, “Toughened Silcomp Composites-Process and Preliminary Properties,” American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 72(7), 81-87 (1993).
    8.  H. Zhou and R.N. Singh, “A Kinetics Model for the Growth of SiC by the Reaction of Liquid Silicon with Solid Carbon,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 78[9], 2456-2462 (1995).
    9.  S. Kumar and R.N. Singh, “Effects of the Coating Properties on the Crack Deflection and Penetration in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic,” Acta Materialia, 45[11], 4721-4731 (1997).
    10.  S. Kumar and R.N. Singh, “Single and Double Deflections of the Crack at the Carbon-Carbon/BN Interfaces in Ceramic Matrix Composites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 81[5], 1329, (1998).
    11. R.N. Singh and W.A. Morrison, “Fiber-Containing Composite,” U.S. Patent #5,021,367 (1991).
    12.  R.N. Singh and W.A. Morrison, “Filament-Containing Composite,” U.S. Patent # 5,043,303 (1991).
    13.  R.N. Singh et al., “Fiber-Containing Composite,” U.S. Patent # 5,015,540 (1991).
    14.  R.N. Singh and W.A. Morrison, “Filament-Containing Composite,” U.S. Patent # 5,330,854 (1994).
    15.  R.N. Singh, “Process for Making Composite Containing Fibrous Material,” U.S. Patent # 5,336,350 (1994).
    16.  R.N. Singh, “Composite Containing Fibrous Material,” U.S. Patent # 5,432,253 (1995).
    17.  R.N. Singh et al., “Silicon Carbide Composite with Coated Fiber Reinforcement,” U.S. Patent # 5,552,352 (1995).
    18.  R.N. Singh et al., “Silicon Carbide Composite with Metal Nitride Coated Fiber reinforcement,” U.S. Patent # 6,074,750 (2000).
    19.  R.N. Singh et al., “Silicon Carbide Composite with Metal Nitride Coated Fiber reinforcement,” U.S. Patent # 6,074,750 (2000).


  • Nanomaterials
    1. Jayaseelan V, Singh R. N., “Diamond nucleation in carbon films on Si wafer during microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition for quantum applications”, J. Appl. Phys.. 2023 April 17; 133:155302. DOI: 10.1063/5.0143800
    2. Jayaseelan V, Singh R. N., “Processing of Diamond Films With Azimuthal Texture on Silicon Wafer for Quantum Systems”, Journal of Materials Research, 39, 825, (2024) 2023 December 11. DOI: 10.1557/s43578-023-01273-6
    3.  Singh, M., Ramasubramanian, L. N., & Singh, R. N. (2023), “Influence of processing conditions on the titanium/nickel contact metallization on a silicon wafer for thermal management”, Thin Solid Films, 785, 140092.
    4.  Singh, M., Ramasubramanian, L. N., & Singh, R. N., (2023), “Influence of processing conditions on the titanium–aluminum contact metallization on a silicon wafer for thermal management”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 41(4).
    5.  Ranjan Singhal, Elena Echeverria, David N. McIlroy, Raj N. Singh, “Post-growth enhancement of CVD-grown hexagonal boron nitride films on sapphire”, Results in Materials 16, 100339 (2022).
    6. Ranjan Singhal, Elena Echeverria, David N. McIlroy, Raj N. Singh, “ Chemical vapor deposition growth of magnesium‑doped hexagonal boron nitride films via in situ doping”, J. Mater Research, July (2022) Invited Paper; DOI:10.1557/s43578-022-00658-3
    7.  Ranjan Singhal, Elena Echeverria, David N. McIlroy, Raj N. Singh, “Synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride films on silicon and sapphire substrates by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition”, Thin Solid Films 733, 138812 (2021).
    8.  M. Jana and Raj N. Singh, “A Review: Progress in CVD Synthesis of Layered Hexagonal Boron Nitride with Tunable Properties and Their Applications”, International Materials Reviews DOI:, May (2017).
    9.  N. Govindaraju, and R.N. Singh, “Processing of Boron Nitride Nanotubes and Boron Nanowires by CVD”, in “Nanotube Superfiber Materials, Transforming Engineering Design”, V. Shanov, Mark J. Schulz, and Z. Yin (Eds.), Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands (2013). A book chapter
    10.  S. Samantaray and R.N. Singh, “ A Review of Synthesis and Properties of Cubic Boron Nitride Thin Films,” International Materials Reviews 50(6), 313-344 (2005).
    11.  L. Guo, and R.N. Singh, “Selective Growth of Boron Nitride Nanotubes by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition at Low Substrate Temperature”, Nanotechnology, 19, 1-6 (2008).
    12.  L. Guo and R.N. Singh. “ Catalytic Growth of Boron Nitride Nanotubes using Gas Precursors”, Physica E 41(3), 448-453 (2009).
    13.  L. Guo and R.N. Singh, “ Growth of Boron Nitride Nanowires by Microwave Plasma CVD,” Materials and Systems 2, 423-430 (2006).
    14.  L. Guo, R.N. Singh, and H-J Kleebe, “ Growth of Boron-rich Nanowires by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)”, J. Nanomaterials, 1-6, 58237 (2006).
    15.  L. Guo, R. N. Singh, and H. J. Kleebe, “Nucleation and Growth of Boron Nanowires on ZrB2 Particles”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 12 (7), 448-452 (2006).
    16.  D. Das and R.N. Singh, “ A Review on Nucleation, Growth, and Low-Temperature Synthesis of Diamond Thin Films,” International Materials Review, 52(2), 1-37 (2007).
    17.  N. Govindaraju, C. Kane, and R.N. Singh, “Processing of Multilayered Nanocrystalline and Microcrystalline Diamond Thin Films Using Ar-rich Microwave Plasmas”, Journal of Materials Research, 26(24), 3072 – 3082 (2011)
    18.  N. Govindaraju, and R.N. Singh, “Processing of Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films for Thermal Management of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Electronics”, Materials Science and Engineering: B Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 176(14), 1058 –41072 (2011).
    19.  P. Rouhani, N. Govindaraju, J.K. Iyer, A. Kaul, R. Kaul, and R. N. Singh, “Purification, functionalization and characterization of nanodiamond to serve as a platform for amoxicillin delivery”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 63, 323-332 (2016).
    20.  Janaki Kannan Iyer, Alexia Dickey, Parvaneh Rouhani, Anil Kaul, Nirmal Govindaraju, Raj Narain Singh, Rashmi Kaull, “Nanodiamonds facilitate killing of intracellular uropathogenic E. coli in an in vitro model of urinary tract infection pathogenesis”, PLoS ONE 13(1): e0191020., January 11, 2018).


  • Li-ion and Sodium-Sulfur High Energy Density Battery
    1. Raj N. Singh, A Book Chapter on “Processing and Properties of Silicon Anode Materials”, Elsevier Book on Silicon Anode Systems for Lithium-ion Batteries, Editors: Kumta et. al (2020).
    2. M. Jana and Raj N. Singh, “A Study of Evolution of Residual Stress in Single Crystal Silicon Electrode using Raman Spectroscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letts, 111, 063901-5 (2017).
    3. M. Jana and Raj N. Singh, “Hierarchical Nanostructured Silicon-Based Anodes for Lithium-ion Battery: Processing and Performance”, J Mat Sci Eng-B 232–235, 61-67 (2018).
    4.  M. Jana and Raj N. Singh, “A Facile Route for Processing of Silicon-Based Anode with High Capacity and Performance”, Materialia 6, 100314 (2019).
    5. R.N. Singh, “Chemical Polishing Behavior of Sodium Beta/Beta" Alumina Electrolytes,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 67, 696 (1984).
    6.  R.N. Singh, R.H. Ettinger, and N. Lewis, “Hot-Stage for In-Situ Operation of a Battery in a Scanning Electron Microscope” Review of Scientific Instruments, 55(5), 773 (1984).
    7. R.N. Singh and N. Lewis, “Role of Electrolyte-Sodium Interface Behavior to the Degradation of a Sodium-Sulfur Cell,” Solid State Ionics, 9-10, 159 (1983).
    8.  R.N. Singh, “Surface Characteristics of Sodium Beta" Alumina Electrolyte Compositions,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 67, 637 (1984).
    9.  R.N. Singh, “Asymmetric Polarization Behavior of Sodium Beta" Alumina Electrolyte,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 70(4), 221 (1987).
    10. R.N. Singh, “Etched Beta"-Alumina Ceramic Electrolyte,” U.S. Patent # 4425415 (1984).
    11.  R.N. Singh, “Etched Beta"-Alumina Ceramic Electrolyte,” U.S. Patent # 4381968 (1983).
    12. R.N. Singh, “Method of Etching to Form Cationically-Conductive Ceramic Body,” U.S. Patent # 4381216 (1983).
    13. R.N. Singh, “Chemically Polished Ceramic Body,” U.S. Patent # 4374701 (1983).
  • Ferroelectric and Dielectric Ceramic Materials
    1. Disna P. Samarakoon and Raj N. Singh, “Influence of Alumina Dopant and Environment on the Electrical Properties of Calcium Copper Titanate Ceramics,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 20, 1-15, (2020).21(Number 4), pp. 2148-2162(15). (April 2021).
    2.  Disna P. Samarakoon and Raj N. Singh, “Thickness dependent dielectric properties of calcium copper titanate ceramics measured in a controlled atmosphere”, Ceramics International, 45, 16554–16563 (2019).
    3.  Disna P. Samarakoon, Nirmal Govindaraju, and Raj N. Singh, “Influence of Atmospheres on the Dielectric Properties of Calcium Copper Titanate Ceramics”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019 (online), pp.1-13. https:// DOI: 10.1111/jace.16381
    4.  Disna P. Samarakoon, Nirmal Govindaraju, and Raj N. Singh, “Dielectric Properties of Calcium Copper Titanate Ceramics Exposed to Air and Dry Nitrogen Atmospheres”, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 0975-1645, pp. 1–7, (2019).
    5.  H. Wang and R.N. Singh, “Crack Propagation in Piezoelectric Ceramics: Effects of Applied Electric Fields,” Journal of Applied Physics, 81[11], 7471 (1997).
    6. Y. Yu and R.N. Singh, “Effect of Composition and Temperature on Field-Induced Properties in the Lead Strontium Zirconate Titanate System,” Journal of Applied Physics, 88[12] 7249-7257 (2000).
    7. H. Wang and R.N. Singh, “Electric Field Effects on the Crack Propagation in an Electrostrictive PMN-PT Ceramics,” Ferroelectrics, 168, 281 (1995).
    8.  S. Kumar and R.N. Singh, “Crack Propagation in Piezoelectric Materials under Combined Mechanical and Electrical Loadings,” Acta Materialia, 44(1) 173-200 (1996).
    9.  S. Kumar and R.N. Singh, “Energy Release Rate and Crack Propagation in Piezoelectric Materials. Part-I Mechanical/Electrical Load,” Acta Materialia, 45(2), 849-857 (1997).
    10.  S. Kumar and R.N. Singh, “Influence of Applied Electric Field and Mechanical Boundary Condition on the Stress Distribution at the Crack Tip in Piezoelectric Materials,” Materials Science and Engineering A, 231, 1-9 (1997).
    11.  Dutta and R.N. Singh, “Processing, Electro-Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure of Strontium Modified Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics,” Ferroelectrics, 393, 71-87 (2009).
    12.  Dutta, R.N. Singh, “Effect of Electrical Fatigue on the Electromechanical Behavior and Microstructure of Strontium Modified Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics,” Materials Science and Engineering B, 166, 50-60 (2010).
    13.  V. Katyal, Y.-L. Wang and R.N. Singh, “Subcritical Crack Growth in Unpoled and Poled Ceramics Under Applied Static and Oscillating Electric Fields. I Experimental Observations”, Ferroelectrics 470, 126-142 (2014).
    14.  V. Katyal, Y.-L. Wang and R.N. Singh, “Subcritical Crack Growth in Unpoled and Poled Ceramics Under Applied Static and Oscillating Electric Fields. II Theoretical Analysis Based on K-V Curve”, Ferroelectrics 470, 143-158 (2014.
  • Solid Oxide and Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
    1. Padmanapan Rao and Raj N. Singh, “ Kinetics of Crack Healing and Self-Repair Behaviors in a Sealant Glass for SOFC Applications”, Int J. Appl Cer Tech (2022). DOI: 10.1111/ijac.14143
    2.  Padmanapan Rao and Raj N. Singh, “Sintering and thermal expansion behaviors of glass and glass–YSZ composites as self-repairable seals for SOFC”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, April (2022). DOI: 10.1111/jace.18534
    3.  Padmanapan Rao and Raj N. Singh, “Kinetics of crack healing for self-repair in glass-yttria stabilized zirconia composites for solid oxide fuel cell”, J. Mater Research (2023). DOI:10.1557/s43578-023-00991-1
    4.  Michael Rottmayer, Raj Singh, and Hong Huang, “Morphological and Electrical Stability Studies of Pt/Yttria- Stabilized Zirconia Nanocomposite Thin Film Cathodes for Microfabricated Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. International Symposium on Microelectronics: Vol. 2017, No. 1, pp. 000360-000385 (2017).
    5.  Michael Rottmayer, Raj Singh and Hong Huang, “The influence of microstructure and functional-grading on the electrochemical response of Pt/Yttria-stabilized zirconia nanocomposite thin films in micro-solid oxide fuel cells”, J. Power Sources, 332, 139-148 (2016).
    6.  R.N. Singh, “Kinetics of Self-Repair in Inorganic Glasses: Modeling and Experimental Verification,” Journal of Materials Science, 49(15), 4869-4879 (2014).
    7.  Thomas G.Howell, Cory P.Kuhnell, Thomas L. Reitz, Bryan C. Eigenbrodt, and Raj N. Singh, “Sr2 – XLaXMgMoO6 and Sr2 – XLaXMgNbO6 for Use as Sulfur-Tolerant Anodes Without a Buffer Layer,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97 [11] 3636–3642 (2014).
    8.  T.G. Howell, C.P. Kuhnell, T.L. Reitz, A.M. Sukeshini, and R.N. Singh, “A2MgMoO6 (A=Sr, Ba) for use as Sulfur Tolerant Anodes,” Journal of Power Sources, 231, 279-284 (2013).
    9.  R.N. Singh, “Self-Healing Seals for SOFCs,” American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 85[2], 13 (2006).
    10.  R.N. Singh, “Sealing Technology for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,” International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 4[2], 134-144 (2007).
    11.  R.N. Singh, “High Temperature Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC)”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 15(4), 422-426. (2006).
    12.  R.N. Singh an S.S. Parihar, “Layered Composite Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC),” Ceramic Engineering Science Proceedings, 26(4), 247-255 (2005).
    13.  N. Govindraju, W.N. Liu, X. Sun, P. Singh, and R.N. Singh, “ A Modeling Study on the Thermomechanical Behavior of Glass-Ceramic and Self-Healing Glass Seals at Elevated Temperatures,” Journal of Power Sources, 190, 476-484 (2008).
    14.  R.N. Singh, “Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells,” Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society, 60(6), 629 (1981).
    15.  R.N. Singh, “Fracture Strength of a Porous Lithium Aluminate Structure for Application in Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells,” Ceramic Engineering Science Proceedings, 1(7-8)B, 500 (1980).
    16.  R.N. Singh and J.T. Dusek, “Effect of Powder Characteristics and Sintering Conditions on the Porosity of An Insulating Electrolyte Retainer,” Advances in Ceramics, V 1 (1980).
    17.  J.W. Sim, R.N. Singh, and K. Kinoshita, “Testing of Sintered Lithium Aluminate Structures in Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 127, 1766 (1980).
    18.  R.N. Singh and J.T. Dusek, “Porous Electrolyte Retainer for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell,” U.S. Patent # 4389467 (1983)