Architecture & Arch Engineering
Astek Program
In the Fall of 1999, the members of the American Institute of Architecture Students at OSU decided to become more involved in the community. With permission from the Stillwater Board of Education, a small group of members entered two classrooms at Will Rogers Elementary, equipped with a workbook they had created. The objective was to teach fifth grade students general principles of architecture, and the world that surrounds them.
A new program named ASTEK
Architecture Students Teaching Elementary Kids - was born. The mission statement prepared by the OSU ASTEK Leaders states: By reaching out to children in education, the ASTEK program strengthens existing curriculum and spreads an awareness of the everyday surroundings. Through these activities, we stimulate students’ imaginations in a new way using things they see everyday, but may not notice. We hope that these ideas may help to improve our communities and the quality of life for the future.” The program has grown since its’ inception to include all six public elementary schools within the Stillwater public school district. To date, more than 5,000 fifth grade students have participated in this outreach program! It is an important program that is appreciated equally by the fifth graders, their parents, and the teachers of each classroom. OSU Architecture students initiated this program, and conduct all the organization required to make it happen each semester. The ASTEK program allows our OSU students to develop their leadership skills, while receiving all the emotional benefits of a true community service project. On a national level, our students were recognized in 2000 with an award honoring this community service project from the AIAS office in Washington, DC. In 2004, the program was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts grant. The ASTEK Workbook Below are links to downloadable chapters of the workbook developed and utilized by the OSU Architecture students who have taught the ASTEK program. Special thanks to all those teachers who have now moved on to their own careers in the world of Architecture. In particular, special thanks to Charisse Bennett, Charles Brant, Sande Friesen, Corey Graham, Briar Hannah, Sarah Holstedt, Joe Le, Amy Thigpen, and Elizabeth Wilson for their dedication to this project. And to Dustin Siegrist for the logo design!