Transportation Research Internship Program (TRIP)
Student Information
The Transportation Research Internship Program (TRIP) places students from transportation related degree programs in paid summer internship with local government agencies responsible for the construction, maintenance, design and planning of transportation systems in the state of Oklahoma. These agencies potentially include the public works and transportation departments of city, county, and tribal governments, Circuit Engineering Districts, and the Councils on Governments. Student interns assist these agencies with various transportation related projects, tasks and activities.
Applications are accepted from upperclassmen and graduate level students. Students begin their intern positions after the conclusion of the Spring 2022 semester and will work until their Fall 2022 semester begins. Bi-weekly activity reports and an End-of-Internship presentation describing their summer activities are required.
Agency Information
Oklahoma State University’s Local Technical Assistance Program places students from transportation related degree programs in internships with government agencies responsible for the maintenance, construction, and planning of local transportation systems. Eligible agencies include the public works and transportation departments of city, county, and tribal governments, Circuit Engineering Districts, and Councils on Governments. While interns work directly under the supervision of a participating local government agency, they are paid as student employees of OSU's LTAP.
To apply to become a hosting local government agency, please complete the online application. In that this is in effect a competition between agencies to secure the services of an intern, it is important that you accurately and completely describe how you intend to use them. We will make the matches based on the sponsoring agencies needs and the intern’s educational backgrounds and goals.
The intern’s tenure will begin shortly after their spring semester ends in May and will conclude before their fall semester commences in August. Students will be required to submit time sheets and activity reports on a bi-weekly basis and to deliver a presentation describing their internship at its conclusion.
To apply to host an intern position click on the button below
to complete and submit the application.