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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Message from Dean Tikalsky:

The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology supports President Hargis, Provost Sandefur and OSU HR regarding live, in-person meetings on campus.  Throughout the Fall 2020 semester, CEAT will be encouraging student organization meetings to meet virtually for the Fall 2020 semester. Student activities should only be developed as outdoor socially distant activities or virtual activities.   Dean Tikalsky and the entire executive team of CEAT are setting the example by hosting meetings by Zoom or Microsoft Teams.  The entire CEAT family is committed to an on-campus learning experience, despite the challenges COVID presents us.  Working together is key for our continued success.  

If you believe there is an overriding necessity for an in-person meeting, those requests will be handled at the Dean’s Office level.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.  You can send any in-person meeting requests directly to 

CEAT Updates

The College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology has taken fast response to the Covid 19 pandemic. We understand that everyone is being affected by this crisis and want to ensure that we are doing everything possible to help those affected. 


OSU leadership and departments are providing regular email updates to students and employees regarding pandemic protocols and response.  Note:  If you are an OSU Stillwater/Tulsa employee or student and are not receiving university email announcements, email

Announcement Archive

Weekly Tips


7 Steps to Reduce Pandemic Fatigue

WHO/Europe Discusses How To Deal With Pandemic Fatigue

Protecting Employee Medical Information

Cowboys Coming Back Clasroom Guidance

Tips to Encourage Safe Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic


CEAT department responses to COVID-19