About CIBS
History Of CIBS
The faculty at OSU identified a disconnect between the way building thermal systems components and equipment were designed and constructed and how buildings were designed and constructed. They also realized that these problems were impossible to address in a vacuum and required cooperation between the industry and the university. In 2018, this led to an idea to form an industry/university research center to address these issues, together with industry.
The OSU team then formalized this idea into planned center, winning an NSF I/UCRC planning grant that culminated in a planning meeting in Stillwater, OK in the fall of 2019 with over 70 industry partners, faculty and students in attendance. Following this, the Center for Integrated Building Systems (CIBS) formed in the fall 2020 with a mission to address the lack of integration between building thermal systems components, equipment, and the building itself.
CIBS in 2020
Despite forming in a pandemic, CIBS kicked off in the fall of 2020 for its inaugural year with six, dedicated, members. This includes Johnson Controls Intl., AAON Inc., National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Harrison-Orr A/C, Torad Engineering LLC, and the International Ground-Source Heat Pump Association
The members and faculty started CIBS focused on the five major research thrusts that the membership identified. The first years will focus on addressing outcomes, specific to these thrusts.