Materials Science & Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
The field of MSE is expanding into a period of unprecedented intellectual challenges...
The School of MSE is housed at OSU-Tulsa's Helmerich Research Center on the OSU-Tulsa campus, a premier facility which places the College of Engineering,
Architecture and Technology in a unique position to conduct world-class education,
research and technology development and transfer in advanced materials of strategic
importance to our nation.
Program Information
Faculty Spotlight
MSE Faculty lead many research efforts.
They are members and fellows of international scientific societies that recognize
distinguished achievement, including ACS, ASEE, ASM International, ASME, American
Ceramic Society, MRS, SAMPE. Society of Experimental Mechanics, TMS, and many more.
Faculty have also received highly competitive NSF Career and PECASE awards.
This month we highlight Dr. Raman Singh
Student Spotlight
Honoring the students of the MSE program.
Our students represent the best this nation has to offer and we at the Materials Science
& Engineering program would like to shine a light on them.
This month we highlight Matthew Bamidele.