Ultrafast THZ Optoelectronic Laboratory
Ph.D. Theses
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Mahboubeh Mandehgar, Dec 2015- "THz Propagation and Potential for THz Communication through the Atmosphere"
Yihong Yang, August 2014- "Studies of Atmospheric Effect on Free-space THz PulsesPropagation and Applications"
Wei Cao, April 2014- "Studies Of Terahertz Metamaterials In Transformation Optics And Plasmonics"
Suchitra Ramani, December 2013- "Metamaterial Radiation From Attenuated Total Reflection At Terahertz Frequencies"
Yongyao Chen, July, 2012 - "Manipulating THz Radiation Using Novel Metamaterials Towards Functional Passive And Active Devices"
Sree Harsha Srikantaiah, July 2011- "Engineering Metal Parallel Plate Waveguides As a 2-D Plane for High Resolution THz Time Domain Spectroscopy"
Lu Xinchao, December 2009- "Studies of Surface Plasmons and Localized Surface Plasmons at THz Frequencies".
Ranjan Singh, December 2009 - "Engineering the Resonances of THz Metamaterials".
Mufei Gong, May 2009 - "Study of THZ Surface Waves (TSW) on Bare and Coated Metal Surface".
Adam Bingham, December 2007 - "Propagation Through THz Waveguides with Photonic Crystal Boundaries".
Yuguang Zhao, December 2006 - "Study of Photonic Crystal Structures by THz- TDS".
Abul Azad, May 2006 -"Resonant THz Transmission of Plasmonic Subwavelength Hole Arrays".
Matthew T. Reiten, May 2006 - "Spatially Resolved THz Propagation".
Steve Coleman, May 2005 - "2D TEM-Mode THz Quasioptics".
John O'Hara, December 2003 - "Experimental Study of a Quasi-Optic Synthetic phased array Terahertz imaging system"
Jiangquan Zhang, August 2002 - "A Cylindrical Dielectric whispering gallery mode Terahertz cavity coupled with a Dielectric Slab Waveguide"
Rajind Mendis, December 2001 - "First Broadband Experimental study of planar Terahertz Waveguides".
Tae-In Jeon, May 1997 - "New Applications of THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy".