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Julie Carter

julie carter

Academic Advisor


Hometown: Weatherford Texas

High School: Weatherford High School

College/Degree: Tarleton State University/ Bachelor of Science- Kinesiology

Hobbies: Any outdoor activity (hiking, camping, concerts, kayaking, etc.)

Favorite Music: Country Music

Favorite Movie: A walk to Remember and Encanto – TV Show: All crime shows (CSI, Criminal Minds, etc.)

Favorite Book: N/A

Something not everyone knows about you: I don’t just have one favorite candy. I have candy categories and have a favorite candy for each category.

Favorite Quote: “ I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”- Thomas Edison

Best Advice for College Students: Questions are important, and we should never stop asking them. Whether we ask because we need help, don’t understand something, for self-improvement, or to find a better/other way to do/improve something. So please, don’t hesitate to ask questions!

Favorite OSU memory: I am new to Oklahoma, so I don’t have a favorite memory yet, but I am excited to make some!


Favorite Web Site: 😊