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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Distinguished Alumni

Each year CEAT honors Hall of Fame inductees who have made prominent contributions in the fields of business, government and community and have made major contributions to CEAT and OSU.  The Hall of Fame Award with Lohman Medal recognizes individuals who have made prominent contributions in academic fields and have made major contributions to CEAT and OSU.
6 men wearing formal attire stnading in front of a backdrop and smiling with awards in their hands

CEAT Faculty

Our faculty in CEAT are making an impact locally and internationally.
CEAT faculty walking and talking with students down the hallway in Engineering South

CEAT Staff

Our CEAT faculty are making waves with their impactful contributions, reaching communities both near and far.
CEAT faculty, staff, and student awards banquet

CEAT Students

Our College is filled with amazing students ready to solve real-world challenges
ceat top 20 students standing in front of the edmond low library