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Geir Hareland, Ph.D.


Dr. Geir Hareland


Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1991

M.Sc., University of Tulsa, 1985

B.Sc., Minnesota University, 1981

Major Areas of Interest 

Drilling Optimization and Drill Bit Modeling
Rock Mechanics in Drilling and Completion Operations
Drilling Fluids and Hydraulics
Drilling System Parameter Integration and Optimization
Well Completions and Stimulation Optimization

Recent Research Activities

Dr. Hareland's research focuses on working closely with all aspects of the drilling and completion industry including contractors, service companies and operators. Main research interests are centered on the various aspects of drilling and completion engineering optimization with an emphasis on "engineering". The research tasks include processes and or factors affecting the actual drilling/completion/stimulation of an oil or gas well and focus on how to increase the net present value (NPV) of the oil or gas well or field.