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CEAT building

Martin High, Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor 

Dr. Maritn High


J.D., Law

University of Tulsa, 2005


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University, 1990


M. S., Chemical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University, 1983


B. S., Chemical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University, 1981

Major Areas of Interest

Thermodynamics of polymer systems.

Polymer physical chemistry.

Applied polymer science.

Transport and thermodynamic properties of gases in polymers, polymer solutions, and polymer blends.

Recent Research Activities

Marty's current research revolves around the study of polymer physical chemistry and applied polymer science. In particular, he is interested in the transport and thermodynamic properties of gases in polymers, polymer solutions, and polymer blends. One of his group's more interesting experimental approaches uses a quartz crystal as a highly sensitive balance to measure the transport of solvent into a polymer film. Marty's teaching interests include transport phenomena, thermodynamics, process dynamics and control, and polymer science and engineering.