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Jindal Shah, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Dr. Jindal Shah


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering
University of Notre Dame, 2005


M.S., Environmental Engineering
University of Cincinnati, 1999


B.Tech., Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 1996

Major Areas of Interest 

Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Phase Equilibria
Ionic liquids
Dye-sensitized solar cells

Recent Research Activities

Dr. Shah’s research interest is in the application of molecular simulation methodologies such as Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics to understand molecular level interactions that give rise to phenomena observed at macroscopic level. Our work also focuses on applying the atomistic simulation tools to predict thermodynamic and transport properties of novel materials related to energy and environment.


Rational Design of Novel Biodegradable Ionic Liquids
Of particular interest are the novel solvents known as ionic liquids (ILs) that have gained widespread attention in last 15 years or so. ILs are composed entirely of ions and many ILs can be designed to be liquid over a large range of temperatures and pressures. Properties such as negligible vapor pressure, low flammability, large electrochemical window and our ability to design ILs with properties suitable for a given chemical process make ILs very attractive candidates as solvents in chemical processes.

Thus far the design of IL has been motivated by their physical, chemical and biological properties. The research in Dr. Shah’s lab will focus on designing ILs that are biodegradable yet possessing requisite properties for their use in chemical processes. To this end, Dr. Shah’s research group is engaged in employing atomistic simulations to understand molecular level mechanism of biodegradation of ILs.


Improving Solar Cell Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) present a promising technology to harvest solar energy for electricity generation. One of the barriers in widespread adoption of DSSCs is that the overall efficiencies of these devices are low – the record efficiency of DSSC achieved so far is ~14% which is almost half of the record efficiency obtained with inorganic solar cell. One of the research objectives in Dr. Shah’s laboratory is to gain fundamental insight into the molecular level interactions that are responsible for the device efficiency in an effort to rationally design novel dye molecules.


Development of Open Source Monte Carlo Molecular Modeling Software
Dr. Shah has been developing an open-source Monte Carlo molecular modeling package Cassandra in collaboration with Prof. Edward J. Maginn  ( at the University of Notre Dame. A number of statistical mechanics ensembles and novel Monte Carlo algorithms for predicting thermodynamic and transport properties of complex molecules will be integrated into the package.