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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Karen High, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor

Dr. Karen High


Ph.D., Chemical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University, 1991


M. S., Chemical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University, 1988


B. S., Chemical Engineering

University of Michigan, 1985

Major Areas of Interest

Sustainable Process Design

Multicriteria Decision Making

Engineering Education

K-12 Engineering for Teachers and Students

Recent Research Activities

Dr. High’s  research at Oklahoma State University has focused on sustainable process design, and has been named SusCAD.  The research is designed to be able to facilitate solving a sustainability-oriented decision-making (e.g. chemical process design) problem, especially good for handling those real-world systems that are described by a mathematical model.  This methodology formulates a design task for sustainability as satisfying multiple competing objectives, each of which represents a certain aspect that people may be concerned with in terms of sustaining human society.  The evaluation, decision-making and improvement of the target system will be performed iteratively, thus they essentially form a closed-loop feedback scheme.


Engineering education activities include enhancing mathematics, communication skills, critical thinking and creativity in engineering students and teaching science to education professionals.  Dr. High is a trainer for Project Lead the Way pre-Engineering.  She initiated an engineering program at Stillwater Middle School, and in the summer of 2008, Dr. High was part of a professional development workshop for 80 Northeast Oklahoma middle level teachers to develop integrated engineering curriculum.