Hong Je Cho, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Postdoctorate, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
University of Delaware, 2021
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering
University of Massachusetts- Amherst, 2017
M.S., Chemical Engineering
Seoul National University, 2004
B.E., Chemical Engineering
Ajou University, 2002
Professional Experience
Technology Development Engineer
Intel Corporation, 2022
Major Areas of Interest
Dr. Cho's research group focuses on advancing scientific exploration and promoting innovation in the pursuit of sustainable solutions for energy and environmental challenges. This mission is achieved through the rational design of nano-structured materials, with an emphasis on heterogeneous catalysis, adsorption, reaction engineering and kinetics, as well as surface science.
Specifically, his research group aims to:
- Engineer nano-structured materials, including zeolites, metal oxides, metal nanoparticles and carbon, for sustainable chemical processes that harness renewable as well as fossil fuel resources
- Unravel the fundamental intricacies of chemical reaction systems through structure-property-reactivity relationships
- Develop innovative chemical reaction pathways that leverage waste resources
- Create effective strategies for environmental remediation